Naavi responding to the UNESCO call for AI Regulation

Naavi has been advocating a Neuro Rights Act for India for some time now. The website  captures the developments in Neuro Technology building a logic for Neuro Rights legislation.

In the meantime, the advent of GPT3/GPT4/DALL-E etc have opened up new doors of excitement in the AI world and simultaneously triggered the concerns of one section of civil society whether AI taking over of Human race is nearer than we think.

Most experts watching the development of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence) as against the ANI (Artificial Narrow Intelligence) that may be common, suggest that in the next 30-40 years, there is a potential risk of ASI s taking over decision making in the creation and development of AI devices/algorithms.

30-40 years is within the lifespan of today’s youth and looks much more dangerous than any other risk to human mankind other than an alien attack. Alternatively the ASI robots may themselves represent the aliens who will wipe out the mankind. An Astroid hit risk today is manageable and a Nuclear war may only affect parts of our planet. But a rogue army of ASI robots could enslave the human kind the way the “Raise of the Planet of Apes” suggest and this could happen sooner than we think.

To some, this may look like speculation and fear mongering. But there is no harm in guarding against the fear even if it does not materialize. Current generation is being urged to plant trees, reduce use of fossil fuels etc for preserving the planet for the future generation. A whole lot of activities are geared towards protecting Earth from the plundering through mining, deforestation etc.

We now need a movement in the IT domain to ensure that AI does not become a threat to the mankind and we need to start flagging this possibility and start working towards finding solutions.

UNESCO has already called for member nations to work on regulations the way UNCITRAL gave a call for E Commerce  laws in 1996 which gave birth to Information Technology Act 2000. Now India is in the verge of a new Digital India Act. It is the right time to consider Digital India Act (DIA) to include the requirements of Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA). More appropriately like the Telecom Regulatory Act, UIDAI Act, DPDPB2022 etc standing apart from ITA 2000, Artificial Intelligence Act can be a separate Act since it has many nuances to be considered before it becomes a full fledged law and combining it with the amendment to ITA 2000/8 would delay other amendments for which Government might be ready now. will therefore start taking some action in mobilizing the experts into a task force for developing an Artificial Intelligence Act of India. At some point of time in the future, the MeitY may set up a similar committee. However, in order not to waste time, we have initiated some action immediately.

This year, India is presiding over the G 20 conference and G 20 has also adopted a preliminary resolution in 2020 about working on AI regulation. It is therefore suggested that this year G 20 work on taking the discussion on AI regulation in India further.

Naavi has tried to bring together like minded persons into a common message group and those interested in joining this group may contact Naavi. This group will work not only on AI Act but also on Neuro Rights Act and try to develop a draft legislation for both.




About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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