Law Colleges in Bangalore are coming off age

It was interesting to note that one of the law colleges in Bangalore has announced a moot court competition which recognizes some of the latest developments in the field of technology and law in India.

It is a general observation that the curriculum of LLB does not have an in depth discussion of ITA 2000/8. Though Bar Council has requested all colleges to incorporate Cyber Laws in their regular curriculum, it remains mainly an optional subject.

In the light of this perception, it was a surprise to know that Bishop Cotton Women’s Christian Law College, Bangalore has chosen for its 7th National Moot Court competition a problem which includes “Artificial Intelligence”, “Facebook Cambridge Analytica”, “Personal  Data Protection Act” etc.

A Copy of the Moot Court challenge is available here.

Though the link between AI, FaceBook and PDPA 2018 are structured a bit artificially, the attempt to introduce new technology terms to the law students is a matter to be appreciated.


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