KSHRC Issues notice to IT Secretary Karnataka on Adjudication Issue

The undersigned has been pursuing a series of complaints with the Government of Karnataka on the denial of Adjudication facility in the state of Karnataka.

Such complaints have been sent int he past to the Chief Ministers as well as the law Minister, the Chief Secretary etc. The last complaint made in this regard, a copy of which is available here.

Even this letter has not evoked any response from the Government.

In the meantime, by a letter dated 21/3/2013, I am informed that the Karnataka Human Rights Commission has taken note of the complaint and has issued a notice to the IT Secretary to send his reply by 30th May 2013. If nothing else, it will at least make the new IT Secretary to read the complaint and understand the issue
Netizens of Karnataka await postive developments regarding the same.

The undersigned has also submitted a “Charter of Demand” to some of the political parties seeking election in Karnataka including Loksatta Party and BJP which also includes a demand for action for setting up a functional Adjudication system in Karnataka.

The Charter of demand includes the following.

1. Digital ID for all (like Aadhar number)
2.Internet access for all at affordable cost
3.Cyber Security policy for the State
4. Adjudication facility to be made functional
5. Netizen Rights Commission for the State
6. E Consumer Protection
7. Centralized Cyber Teaching upto X standard

More details are available at www.aifon.org.in
Attempts are being made to reach the Charter of demand to the candidates wherever the e-mail addresses are available. Readers may send the available email addresses of prominent candidates who are seeking election in Karnataka.

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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