Jnaana Jyothi Program from Naavi, Cyber Law College and FDPPI

Naavi had earlier around 2005 initiated a Cyber Law Awareness Movement intensely across Karnataka. Later it did diffuse to the rest of the country. At that time, Naavi held hundreds of meetings and training sessions in the physical world across Karantaka and the country. Some of those efforts resulted in Cyber Law courses being introduced in many colleges across Karnataka and elsewwere.

Now, a similar situation has come in the field of Data Protection. With the Personal Data Protection Bill under discussion in the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC), the Kris Gopalakrishna Committee report on Data Governance in public for comments, FDPPI’s Certification programs on Indian and Global Data Protection laws in full swing, there is a crazy level of activity at least in the Webinar space.

Naavi’s  Cyber Law College in association with Foundation of Data Protection Professionals in India (FDPPI) has also undertaken  its “All India Movement on Data Protection Awareness” through invitation lectures on the “Upcoming Personal Data Protection Regime in India” to corporate across the country through the webinar medium.

The program would be called “Jnaana Jyothi”, the light of Knowledge and would be conducted with the participation of Naavi as an individual, Cyber Law College as the pioneering educational organization in Cyber Law and FDPPI a pioneering organization representing the Data Protection Professionals in India.

While these Invitation lecture series is being launched, the next 4 days will see four different events in the Data Protection domain, pre-empting the formal launch of this awareness movement.

Today on 29th July 2020, Naavi will participate in a discussion on the Data Governance Committee report. Tomorrow on 30th July 2020, Naavi will participate in a discussion on Personal Data Protection Bill and its impact on Small entities. On 1st August, Naavi will address the Association of Fraud Examiners in Hyderabad on  the emerging Personal Data Act in India and on Sunday the 2nd August, 2020, Naavi will participate in the FDPPI special knowledge awareness session on the impact of the rejection of US Privacy Shiled by the EU Court of Justice.

Interested professionals may gear up to follow all the four events and contribute their wisdom to the enhancement of knowledge.

Let the Jnaan Jyothi Program begin..



About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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