Is it the beginning of the Chinese domination of the Globe?.. Mr Modi to take note

It is known that China has made substantial progress in the field of Industry which is threatening other countries including India and US. Unfortunately, unlike Japan, scientific progress in China is discomforting to the rest of the world since China is not friendly with most of the countries in the world and wants to have a military domination over other countries. It is also too friendly with rogue nations like North Korea and Pakistan and makes other countries nervous. It is for this reason that both US and India is worried on the trade front about the Chinese domination.

Now reports are emanating on the Internet that  China has made some outstanding progress in the field of Quantum Computing. On the face of it, this is a matter on which the Chinese scientists are to be congratulated. But seen in the context of the Chinese desire to dominate the world on the political front, the development appears to be ominous.

Quantum Computing is set to re-define the global economy and who ever takes leadership in this sphere, is likely to rule the world in future. Hence the recent developments reported here needs to be taken note of by both the scientific community in India such as IISC, as well as the intelligence agencies in PMO and political pundits like Dr Subramanya Swamy.

The first report that comes to my concerned notice is the article “Chinese Scientists Set New Quantum Computing Record”.

The second report that comes to my notice is the article “China’s Quantum communication satellite achieves scientific goals”

Let’s briefly state in layman’s terms what these developments seem to indicate.

Quantum Computing differs from Classical Computing because of two specific properties of  atomic and sub atomic properties that have come to light under the domain of “Quantum Physics”. One is called “Super positioning” and the other is called “Entanglement”. These concepts make Quantum computing vastly powerful in terms of “Speed of Processing” as well as “Security to make or break the encryption systems”.

A leadership in Quantum computing is therefore a firm foot in leading the globe economically, politically and in military terms. Neither India nor US nor Japan will be able to stand upto China if it establishes firm leadership in Quantum Computing.

I therefore request Mr Narendra Modi to take the lead in calling for a summit with US and Japan only on the aspect of Quantum Computing and its implications on Global leadership and chart out a plan of action to ensure that China does not become a greater problem that what it already is for India today.

I will elaborate more on these developments within my limited understanding as a person who studied Quantum Physics when it was in its infancy and later turned to the field of Cyber Law and Cyber Security. I call upon other experts in Quantum Physics and Quantum Computing to put their heads together and deliberate on the concerns expressed in this series of articles.

PS: This is the first of the series of 3 articles which will be published here and I request readers to read all the three and give their comments.


This is the first part of the series of three articles. 

Links to all three parts:

1. Is it the beginning of the Chinese domination of the Globe?.. Mr Modi to take note

2. China Working on achieving Quantum Supremacy

3. China may be developing its own unbreakable encryption system through Quantum Computing

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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