Is Adjudication up for Sale in India Mart

Today I stumbled upon a very interesting product/Service for sale in India Mart which raised some concerns about the judiciary in India.

We do some times talk of “Corruption in Judiciary” but for a moment I wondered whether it has reached such a level where the Judicial Officer puts up an advertisement to offer a judicial order and be prepared to provide the best quote.

The Product or Service is titled “Adjudication matters with the Adjudicator” for which public are invited to contact the “Seller” and “Get the Latest Price”

The product description and the image indicate that “Adjudication” is available for sale at a price.

The listing is derogatory for the Adjudication system in general and for the Adjudicator of Maharashtra specifically.

I trust that the listing is a result of India Mart not understanding the product or service and the supplier not taking sufficient care in  correcting the mis-representation.

In the interest of protecting the reputation of Adjudicators all over India and particularly in Mumbai, it is the duty of to flag this and hope that it would be corrected instantly.


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2 Responses to Is Adjudication up for Sale in India Mart

  1. Responsibility / Accountability / Liability / Duty / Rules & Regulations, if it (anyone) is not properly handled / performed then after that COMPLAINT / Grievance / Problems,comes before the world . Our SYSTEM of Execute / Judicatory / Media etc. All will come into force after an incident happens BUT before that no one try to come forward to STOP / CURB it before it comes TRUE. Hence, this kind of Advertisement dare to come into reality. Source / Start point / Initial Thinking is the Main Part of any kind of CRIME / Wrong (Civil/Criminal). I think so. If we could stop / curb it now , I think, it will not START or else it will pick up soon. This is my personal view. By, Adv. SUNIL MAROTI TAYADE, MALKAPUR. DIST.BULDANA. MAHARASHTRA. – 443101

  2. V. Rajendran says:

    well said. It has to be corrected immediately. We are not sure if it is an inadvertent advertisement without understanding the techno-legal nuances of the system or a deliberate attempt. Good that noticed it, as a whistle-blower.

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