Now it is the era of Data Protection in India. After a long wait the Government has passed the Digital Data Protection Bill 2023 in the Lok sabha and it should go through the Rajyasabha during the next week.
In the year 2005, Naavi had launched Karnataka Cyber Law Awareness Movement. Under this movement several initiatives such as conducting of Cyber Law Certification programs in different parts of the State had been undertaken. Naavi, the “Man with the Mission” is now interested in spreading the Data protection Compliance Culture across the Country.
In this context, Naavi along with FDPPI launches Indian National Data Protection Compliance Movement (IN-DP-CM).
As a part of this movement Ujvala Consultants Pvt Ltd will be offering an Online DTS evaluation for any organization through the MyDTS tool of Ujvala.Com. The offering involves a mentored online session on the MyDTS tool and going through a Gap Assessment evaluation based on the inputs to be provided by the Company.
This will be a self evaluation of the current status of the company in being compliant with DPDPB 2023 where the mentor will only explain the significance of each of the questions that will be raised on the compliance status. The end result would be a Gap Assessment with a DTS score as a rough indicator of the maturity of compliance. Additionally it should be a good self learning exercise on DPDPB in the context of the company’s business.
The self evaluation is being offered as a complimentary offering to all new Corporate members of FDPPI.
For others, Ujvala will be offering the self evaluation at a fee depending on the size of the organization.
During the mentor assisted self evaluation, the evidentiary documents would not be examined by Ujvala Consultants pvt Ltd. On request the documents may be evaluated for a summary assessment of the DTS.
On request, a full scale audit or implementation consultancy may be negotiated through the FDPC service exchange platform.