Indian Data Protection Summit 2021: Day 1

The biggest event on Data Protection in India namely the Indian Data Protection Summit 2021 (IDPS 2021) got off to a flying start on November 17, 2021, as a virtual conference. Six hours of deliberations occurred between 2.30 pm IST to 8.30 pm IST with 3 panel discussions and 2 keynote sessions during the day.

The proceedings started with an introduction from Dr S P Arya, the honorary President of the National Governance Council of FDPPI. he introduced FDPPI, and its objectives.

It was followed by a key note address from Naavi, the Chairman of FDPPI presented his views on the challenges to be negotiated by the Law makers in finalizing the PDPB 2019. He specifically discussed the expected changes reported to be under consideration of the new JPC to the current version of PDPB. The revised version is expected to be presented on November 18th 2021 to the JPC once again for discussion. In his address Naavi discussed the pros and cons of adding Non personal Data protection issues into the PDPB 2019, the different approach taken by DEPA in developing a Consent architecture, the demands of certain institutions from exemption, etc. He highlighted that the conference would discuss issues such as new compliance framework and need for Data Valuation methodology to be developed etc.

This session was followed by two Panel Discussions.  Panel 1 discussed the new career opportunities that are developing in the area of Data Protection such as the Data Protection Officers and the Data auditors.

Mr Manish Sehgal, partner of Deloitte lead the discussions and was supported by  Neena Pahuja, Tripti Kumar, Anupama Mohan and Sameer Mathur, all of them from the industry.

The second panel discussion  discussed the issues of Privacy in Big Data and Digital Marketing industries and was lead by Ms Annie Mathew and supported by Kamal Karnatak, Bhimesh Karadi and Mahesh Balakrishnan from different segments of the industry.

This session was followed by a Keynote from Justice B N Srikrishna, who lucidly traced the development  of  the  concept  of  privacy from ancient India  to  the  current  days. He also discussed  the  current  status  of  the  PDPB  and  how it  may  shape  up  in  the  days  to  come.

He highlighted the concepts of Data Fiduciary and Consent Manager adopted in the Indian PDPB and how it is different from the concepts of GDPR.

Following this session, FDPPI announced its annual award for “Data Protection Champion” . The award is conferred for the sustained commitment towards Privacy demonstrated by the professional as determined by a search committee of FDPPI. It has no financial incentive and is not based on nominations.

Mr Srinivas is a well known Privacy professional with over 11 years of experience in implementing various privacy initiatives in Infosys and has a rare commitment towards Privacy unmatched even by privacy activists.

After the award ceremony, the third panel of the day discussed the Past, Present and Future of Data Protection law in India.

The panel was lead by Ms Meenalall of the Tata Steel and was supported by Advocate                        M G Kodandaram, Wg Cdr S K Prakash of CISCO, Manoj Kern of Prudent Insurance brokers and advocate Dr Mahendra Limaye.

The group had an extensive  discussion  of the legal aspects of Information Technology Act, the PDPB as well as many  sectoral regulations.

We now look forward to an equally engaging second day on November 18th.


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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