ICANN Has to find a solution to Net4India problem

On July 31, 2017, I had written an article “Is Net4India closing down its operations?”

At that time I had some problems and subsequently my issues were to some extent resolved. However, in recent days, I am receiving many complaints from other persons affected by similar problems.

I had recently drawn the attention of Mr Samiran Gupta through another article “Name and Shame Rogue Domain Name Registrars” in the context of preventing Phishing frauds. But I did not get any response from him.

I have now taken up the issue of Net4India again with Mr Samiran Gupta and sent him the following e-mail.

Dear Mr Samiran

As a representative of ICANN, you are aware of the importance of the reliability of domain name registrars.
ICANN provides the accreditation to registrars and public place a reliance on these registrars and commit their brands to them in the form of Domain name registrations.
If any of these registrars get into financial problems and exit from business, there is a need for ICANN to step in and ensure that public are not affected.
One such situation seems to have arisen in India with Net4India, one of the leading service providers who provide domain name registration and hosting services is apparently facing problems.
 Many users have complained about not being able to transfer their domain registrations to other registrars. I have also experienced the same difficulty.
It is necessary for ICANN to work with Meity and ensure that one of the other registrars in India can take over the current domain name registrations so that customers are able to transfer them and take control of their cyber assets.
Net4India refusing to allow domain transfers should be considered as an offence under ITA 2000 (Section 66) and MeiTy should take suitable action.
I request you to initiate action in this regard immediately.
I have marked a copy to the Secretary of MeitY because this is a responsibility of Internet Governance in India. MeitY cannot remain a mute spectator to such  difficulties which they have failed to address through the amendments to Information Technology Act 2000 despite Naavi pointing out to them repeatedly in the past that Domain Name Disputes need to be addressed though ITA 2000.
We know that in critical services it is important to ensure that “License to Carry on business” should be accompanied by an “Obligation to ensure that customers are not left in the lurch when the license is withdrawn or the licensee exits the business”.
For example, if an organization is a Certifying Authority for digital certificate issue, in India, while there are licensing norms which may mandate a minimum capital clause, Pre-licensing audit and approval etc, there is a condition that if the licensee withddraws from the business suitable notice has to be given so that the certificate holders are able to port their services to another licensee.
Unfortunately, ICANN did not anticipate the problem of a Registrar walking away leaving the customers in the lurch. Now it is the responsibility of ICANN to sort out this issue. Otherwise, there could be legal action against the representative of ICANN in India.
I am not however advocating any such action against the officials of ICANN since they may be acting in good faith and Net4India may be having genuine business problems.
But it is the responsibility of Mr Samiran Gupta to make necessary enquiries about Net4India, hold a dialogue with MeitY and find a solution to this problem.
The MeitY has to come up with a notification under Section 79 of ITA 2000 for the time being that
“An Intermediary who is a Registrar of Domain Names, is responsible for being held guilty for denial of service and diminishing the value of information residing inside the computer” under Section 66 of ITA 2000/8 and if he exits the business guilty of Section 65 of ITA 2000 for having deleted the “Computer Source Code” when it is required to be kept for the time being., failing which Civil and Criminal action would be launched against the Intermediary”
At the same time, ICANN under the UDRP and NIXI under INDRP should enforce “Porting” of domain names at the request of the registrants, just as they do in  case of resolution of domain name disputes.
I request Mr Ravishankar Prasad, the honourable minister of IT to take up this matter on an urgent basis.
Those of you who are in Delhi and have complained about Net4India may kindly call on the Secretary MeitY and the Minister of IT and bring it to their immediate notice irrespective of the COVID related excuses any body may have.
If ICANN or MeitY is responsible, I expect a public response about this issue to Naavi.org.
I request those of you who recognize the problem to spread this message through the media/social media so that it hits the authorities loud and clear.

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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84 Responses to ICANN Has to find a solution to Net4India problem

  1. B Mohan kumar says:

    I have been trying their numbers with no response. Our money is stuck up in their cyberwallet . Now we are stuck up as we are not able to change the name servers and other dns entries

  2. Anantharam says:


    Found another link where net4 has applied for bankcrupsy


    Whats next, don’t know how to safeguard our domains?


  3. Anantharam says:


    Shocking to know that still around 75000 domains are with net4 despite of closure.


    Hoping ICANN would come into help.


  4. What is the solution? How do we get our domains to work now? We have 20 years of work associated with our domain, and now our websites and email are down!

    • MeiTy has a solution if it wants to respond. We need to make them realize their responsibility.

      I am suggesting some of the affected persons raising the issue with the IT Secretaries of their respective states who are the Adjduicators.

      Affected persons may first send an e-mail stating their problem and stating that “There is a denial of access” for you digital asset which is a contravention under Section 43 of ITA 2000 for which the IT Secretary who is an adjudicator is the sole authority to redress.

      While each affected person can raise an adjudication request, the IT Secretary can take suo motu action also.

      I have also requested some lawyers to take up the issue as a PIL. Some victim has to get in touch with them. One lawyer in Pune, Nagapur and Bangalore have indicated their readyness.

  5. Thiruvel says:


    Can we still retreive the AUTH CODE and move on to a different provider?

    What is the right solution. Please advice.


  6. I am with you, facing problem to getting auth code, no one on net4 responding on the mail or call there is no way to talk to them, i have arround 10 domin with them

  7. Posti kumar says:

    They have trained few employees who know everything but are not ready to resolve any query or reply.I have made an FIR against them in individual capacity and will get them behind bars soon

  8. Hi…My name is Bharat Nagpal. I am also a victim of Net4India issue. Please let me know if there is any solution to transferring the domain without the help of their customer support. I have 5-6 domains stuck in the net4india. Their customer support not responding at all. Request you to kindly guide how to proceed further.

  9. Senthil Kumar says:

    finding the same problem. am registering domains through them from 2011. But now no response and not able to transfer the name server. Please suggest how to go about it and please give us some way to move forward. Important websites are being rendered unusable and resulting in a loss of business.

  10. Sujata Patel says:

    I have been trying to contact net4 from last 3 months but no response received so far to change the name server. I have 15 domains with net4 and we are not able to do anything. Big loss for our business because of this issue. Please give us some details like phone number and email so that we will request them regarding our domain issues. We need option to transfer our domains now.

    • Charu Sahni says:

      Hi Mr. Jayate,

      We also are stuck due to this Net4 issue and our at risk of losing our domains. Please reach out to me if you any advice. Would be very grateful for any help on this matter.


      • Hi Mr Jayate
        My company also facing major issue due non-renewal of domain leading to major business losses as we are not able to receive any external mail. May you please help.
        I represent ‘Dalmia’ group.
        Pyush Maheswari

        • Amit says:

          is your domain transferred from net4 india? If yes then please also guide us. Thanks.

        • dhirendra says:

          please help me also to get out from Net4India domain trap. I am a freelancer located in Delhi. My clients are after me as their domains , emails are down. 9810041963
          thanks in advance

  11. I also have been contact this company since last 3 month. No response.
    applied for transfer. they are not giving the Auth Code

  12. Niel Hirjee says:

    I am in the same predicament. I have been a Net4India partner for over 10 years. My partner ID is 000170036. I too have recently deposited money with Net4India via online transaction on my debit card through their website and my bank account has been debited but my Net4India wallet does not reflect the credit.

    Card No.: 5536XXX3XXXX5516 02SEP20 021950 ITservicesCC Mumbai Ref: 090350001704. I have raised a trouble ticket TT-20200903-022953 9/2/2020 but it is unresolved.

    I have a friend who wishes to transfer out his domain (agarwalagroup.com) but the auth code for the domain is not being received from Net4India. Trouble ticket TT-20200827-205722 8/27/2020 has remained unresolved for many weeks now and no one answers phones or email.

    Saddened to see an Indian brand ending this way. Wish there was a way in which the domains there could be transferred out without inconveniencing the owners of the domains.

  13. Nanda kumar says:

    We are also facing with one of our domain..not responding dns
    Tried reaching out to net4india team in Bangalore, office is closed..but no response.


  14. Raajjievv says:

    I am facing same issue from several days. I have been buying domain names from them since last 20+ years. I have more than 50 domain names with them. I recharged my account last month and renewed few domain names. But the domain names are not being renewed by them. Only one out of 5 domains was renewed. Now I wish to recharge my wallet but their website has stopped taking online payments as well. So, my domains are going into expiry. I had applied for authentication code but did not get any.
    Should we fild complaint with Icann. As our domain names are getting expired because of Net4.

  15. Have similar issues.

    Credit card charged – funds not added to wallet. Cannot renew domain names.
    R0146366 – Sep 15, 2020 – Rs.5,150 &
    R0146233 – Sep 11, 2020 – RS.5,000. Total Rs.10,150/-

    My trouble tickets:
    TT-20200915-120416 – 9/15/2020
    TT-20200914-224342 – 9/14/2020
    TT-20200910-185210 – 9/10/2020

    All tickets open.

    Phone & email – no reponse.

    I have 5 domains that have just expired. Worried on how to get them back now.

  16. Amit Kalra says:

    Dear All
    I also have had a partner account with Net4 for more than 10 years now. I had over 100 domains with them till about 2 years ago but slowly managed to transfer out most of them but still last 10 domains are stuck.
    In the last week we managed to get some domains transferred out.
    If you look at the whois of domains some domains that were there with Net4 do not show Net4India as registrar but instead show “Hosting Concepts B.V. d/b/a Openprovider” as Registrar.
    I have been pursuing with openprovider as they are listed as registrars of my remaining domains. There has been some success in this but it is a long process.
    If you want any help with this feel free to contact me.
    Amit Kalra

  17. I have filed another complaint today with ICANN. More info available at the latest article https://www.naavi.org/wp/icann-may-face-a-trial-in-indian-supreme-court/

  18. syeed says:

    Dear All

    If we want to move out from Net4, Which service provider you suggest? I am looking for Bangalore based company for domain registration .

    Thanks for your suggestions

  19. Jatinder says:

    This post is giving very good light of our Indian system and govt and how people do business fearless to fraud people money, time and what not else. Company like such should be strictly fined and punished for creating such carless space to effect badly people business and time!

  20. vishal jain says:

    i need to transfer my 50 domains from net 4 please help…
    vishal jain

  21. Ajit Ravindran says:

    Dear All,

    We were also facing issue with Net4, but recently we transferred all our domain to other service provider. Kindly contact Nixi India, they are the organization looking after domain registrar of India, we have received authorization code for transfer from them only.

  22. Hi,

    I am facing problem in getting auth code with net4, there is no response for ticket/email or even for call at all branches. Is there any alternate way?

  23. Habeeb says:

    We are also facing same issues customer care not working since last 6 months all offices closed, no one answering to email not getting Auth code how can I change my Domain name.

  24. NIXI has been promptly responding to for in names. Problem with ICANN for genetic TLDs continue.

  25. Bhavik Sheth says:


    URL: http://www.icann.org/en/resources/compliance/approach-processes.

  26. Sandeep Bagaitkar says:

    I was facing the issue of Authentication code with NET4. Had tried for a few months but no response at all.

    Finally, I launched a complaint at ICANN. They addressed me to contact the Registrar i.e. OpenProvider. After sending complaint mail to OpenProvider, they communicated with Net4 and arranged for the escalation of the issue.

    Surprisingly, personnel responded to my query and my issue was resolved.

    I Hope, this would give you some idea of how to tackle the issue.

    All the best..!

  27. Manish says:

    If you are facing a problem to transfer your domain name from NET4 to another registrar,
    then good news for you bcoz National Internet of India (Nixi) are handling this issue
    Just call them @ 11-48202011 and share your detail and they will help you in transferring the domain

    Note-They are handling only .in domain

  28. Kp says:

    Use this article :-


    NIXI has stared permitting end users of .IN Domain to migrate to other registrars (other than Net 4 India).

    NIXI has decided not to discontinue the .IN Services for those .IN domain end users whose renewal is due till December, 2020

    For Name server update, end users may send mails to following email ids to avail direct services (without help of Net4 India)
    i. techsupport@registry.in
    ii. registry@nixi.in
    iii. rajiv@nixi.in

  29. Stack says:

    I was able to resolve the issue within 24 hours for .in domain.

    Simply email to techsupport@registry.in from email ID registered in your WHOIS record.

    Make sure :-

    Please note that in order to proceed with your request, NIXI would require the below documents:

    1. In case of company:

    a. Request letter on the organization letter head with the seal of the organization and authorized person’s signature. Please mention all domain names in the letter requesting to transfer.
    b. The letter should be signed by authorized official of the organization or by the person whose name which reflects in the WHOIS data.
    c. Self-attested ID and address proof of the registrant or authorized official which matches with the WHOIS details.

    2. In case of an Individual:

    a. List of domain name(s) and request to transfer.
    b. Self-attested ID and address proof of the registrant which matches with the WHOIS details.
    NOTE: The request should be sent via WHOIS registered email address.


  30. Sushant says:

    We lost 120 domains, fortunately some imp .in domains via long emails are done via nixi involvement. Icaan is not giving any solutions after repeated emails.

  31. $hree Gowda says:

    domain.com only god is ICANN

    Greetings Srinivasan,

    Thank you for contacting us at .IN Registry Support.

    Please note that we are Technical Service Provider (TSP) contracted to the National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) to deliver backend Registry services for only .IN country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD). Also, we DO NOT handle other TLDs. For other TLD domain, please contact ICANN and/or Net4India limited.

    Please feel free to contact us if we can be of additional assistance.

    Thank you,

    .IN Registry Support Team
    Local Toll Free Phone: 1800-572-5255
    Email: techsupport@registry.in
    Web: http://www.registry.in

  32. mohammed abdulaziz says:

    Mr Ashok
    is your domain transferred now or still with net 4.
    Thank you

  33. M.C Srinath says:


    I’m also facing same issue with net4 and have registered 5domains with them, Now Emails have stopped working and url as well. please share the contacts if anyone has reached and got the issue resolved.

  34. Hello Sir,
    MySelf Vijendra Mishra and I have registered 15 domains on Net4India. and i am trying to contact them via helpdesk, mail phones. but everything has to stop their end and i am totally stuck i don’t know how i can transfer all the domain.

    Please help me

  35. Pavin Wilson says:

    So I have been following up with Pankaj for Net4 & Vikram of NCLT without sucess. Also spoke in detail with Samiran recently & have understood the situation. If I have understood correct – there is no option but wait till this is resolved or if we go take this to court to protect what is our right. I think someone here mentioned that the respective state IT secrataries can be made responsible. Am I correct? Can the court or IT secrataries enforce Pankaj or ICANN to enable transfers. Is going to court our only option. I see that Ashok here in this group seems to be looking for an option for us. If so; I wish him the best & hope to connect with him soon. Best… Pavin Wilson pavinw@gmail.com 7506459623 ( text first before call )

    My case is really bad – shifted from VSNL exactly like this problem because they did not inform. Who is records are wrong. My It guy pointed Net4 domain to a server account which got expired & cant be renewed with the same settings. I cant access my Net4 account as I lost my passowrd, needed to change my account DNS to another server or Gsuit because my registered email is linked to Net4 & it has stoped working. I have to wait till Net 4 gives new login & enables us to change DNS ( i think it started a few days ago as a friend managed to change his DNS). If anyone is able to change settings in Net4 account please do post here for those who would like to know this.

  36. Ravi says:

    I was able to transfer all .in domains 10 days back. Follow the link & write an email, you will get confirmation mail from .in registrar asking proof of identity, once you establish the identity you will receive authocde for transfer. After,follow the transfer procedure

    For .com domains i received a confirmation mail from net4 today(13th Jan-2021) around 11.00 PM, for the authcode request confirmation, which i placed 30 days back, apparently the link did not work. I immediately placed another request for authcode for all .com domains, i was lucky to get authcode for all the domains by email. this has happened on 13th Jan 2021 @ 11.2o hrs. I placed order with other service provider initiating the transfer, now the process should be straight forward & expected to complete in 5 days time.

    • Vicky says:

      Good to hear that, you got the domain EPP and you solved the issue.

      I have the issue for all my domains and i have requested the EPP code 3 days before but no luck. Still i did not get any code yet.

      The worst part couple of my domain email also hosted under net4.com and could not change the hosting.

    • Sunil Christian says:

      on what email id did you send the transfer request? their phone no is disconnected and email are not replied

  37. Sharad Taank says:

    I tried to call the service number many times but never able to contact them. I am not able to login into my emails but most of the time it shows invalid username and password. I will renew 5-6 day before but now email not working. Massage display is

    This site can’t be reachedwebmail.net4india.com refused to connect.

    Checking the connection
    Checking the proxy and the firewall

    I do not understand what to do now

  38. Hello,
    We are also facing same issue as I have requested for Auth code but we have not received it and it has been more than 2 months.
    Please help us 2 domains is already expired

  39. check the following link to resolve NET4 issue.

  40. Manmeet Ssingh Nayyar says:

    Net4 has started transferring domains.
    Many Clients has transferred domains from their own
    There is no issue rt now at the moment.
    You will get Authorisation code on your Registered Email id.Plz chk ur Registered email id,if it is working then Auth Code wil come on that email id.After getting Auth Code ,it takes 5 to 7 working days to transfer Domain.

  41. Rahul Kumar says:

    Hello readers, Adbangs Technologies, Bangalore is providing free support to all Net4India customers. We provide solutions like web hosting, domain transfer, email setup, web related many services.

    Kindly visit our website adbangs.com for more details.

  42. If you are lost your domain then please come and visit adbangs technologies for free consultancy. We are here to give you complete support. Please visit https://adbangs.com/.

    • Dear Adbangs,

      Please let me know how you are helping the victims of Net4India…Kindly give me a separate introduction of yourself. I want to publish this so that people donot think that there is any commercial interest of Naavi.org in promoting adbang.

      • Dear Adbangs,

        Please let me know how you are helping the victims of Net4India…Kindly give me a separate introduction of yourself. I want to publish this so that people donot think that there is any commercial interest of Naavi.org in promoting adbang.

      • Pavin Wilson says:

        they solved my problem – i recommend them as i have spoke to many and this seemed like a good option and it worked. There is no commercial intrest on Naavi. I only got their contact information here & thank god that Naavi allowed them to post it here else i was going through a difficult time. thanks naavi

    • Pavin Wilson says:

      thank you for posting – i blindly trusted you as i did not have any option & you did not fail me.
      I got my complicated issue solved by adbangs in 1 week with nominal charges. my network has also started using them. I would highly recommend going through them. call me if you want to know more – i can understand the need & frustration as i too wnet through hell!
      Pavin 7506459623

  43. sai says:

    all those so called help or crocodile tears are of no use
    once the Registrar is bankrupt, there is NO one to help, its just a business loss
    atleast for .in there is help from India

    for .com domainers its loss…

    It made very clear that…. if you plan to buy .com then you must buy from the registrar in the home country who owns and operator .com

    costly lesson but its better to learn… if you buy .in domain then you can buy indian registrars, if you buy .com or.co.uk or .xyz or any other than .in you must choose the registrar of the country only……

  44. I have a problem with my domain under Net4. We are not getting our mails. Can you help us resolve the issue

  45. Neeraj Saraf says:

    Domains stuck at Net4 was bad enough….now emails aren’t working since dns records are also configured with them!

  46. Need your urgent help on email access issue in net4india.com login web site, My Email address (Info@parallelcommunications.biz) not working since last more than month, please provide Incoming mail server (SMPT) & Outgoing mail server (SMPT) address , I am not able to access login /or receiving email in net4 India site, so please provide me recovery email process & Hosting on Net4 India site.. process.

    Vijay Talekar

  47. Need your urgent help on email access issue in net4india.com login web site, My Email address (Info@parallelcommunications.biz) not working since last more than month, please provide Incoming mail server (SMPT) & Outgoing mail server (SMPT) address , I am not able to access login /or receiving email in net4 India site, so please provide me recovery email process & Hosting on Net4 India site.. process.

    Vijay Talekar

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