Here is a new Avatar of Innovation. ..From Nothing Comes Some thing as FDPPI and Cyber Law College work together

( Pre-Registration for IDPS 2022 can be done here)

Innovation can come in many forms. When we arrange paid conferences or training programs, it is a common practice to provide “Early Bird Discount” to encourage interested persons to record their interest in the form of registering early. This will help the organizers to plan the resources properly.

But when organizations conduct valuable programs but offer it without a delegate fee, there is a problem in attracting early registrations. We need some innovative thought in incentivising early registrations.

FDPPI conducted its flagship program namely IDPS 2021 last year with 18 hours of intense information sharing. It was not merely a “Seminar” but was a serious “Knowledge Session”. FDPPI therefore claimed that more than Rs 18000/- worth training was being offered free.

About 1000 delegates might have attended the sessions at different points of time, some during the three  days of the program and some later. In total therefore FDPPI poured out Rs 18000×1000 (Rs 1.8 crores) worth of educational content to the community.

This year, FDPPI has planned to conduct IDPS 2022 over three days as virtual program between November 11, 12 and  13. Again more than 18 hours of live  content and around 18 hours of pre-recorded content are expected to be given to the community. This would mean around  36 hours of training .which should be worth more than Rs 36,000/- to each of the participants.

If about 2000 people take advantage of this tsunami of knowledge, the total value of training content offered to 2000 delegates is around Rs 7.20 crores.

It may look stupid that FDPPI is giving away this amount of data as a donation to the community. But that is FDPPI and it’s approach to public cause.

Having decided to make the program free for attendees, FDPPI faced a challenge on attracting early registrations so that the resource allocations can be done commensurate with the requirements.  But the challenge was how to incentivise early registration for a free program. The natural human tendency is to wait as long as possible to register for such programs, keep the organizers guessing and rush in the last minute. This could lead to disruptions since there could be limitations on the number of delegates even in a free program like IDPS 2022.

We presently anticipate a cap of 1000 simultaneous attendees though the registrations can be much higher. Hence there could be a need to prioritize or expand the capacity. This requires data and registrations could provide the data required to expand the capacity if required and hence early registrations are important for FDPPI.

FDPPI has now found a novel way to incentivise the early registrations.

Naavi and Cyber Law College are conducting a virtual event on October 17, 2022 at 4.00 pm (Upto 7.00 pm) to impart knowledge on the following:

a) Why ITA 2000 continues to be relevant now and even after the new Data Protection Act comes in
b) Provisions of CERT IN guidelines and need for compliance
c) Use of Compliance Management Rating (CMR) as an online evaluation of CERT In guidelines similar to DTS
d) Essence of Section 43A and how it is likely to transform when the new data protection Act comes in
e) Essence of ITA 2000 compliance and Risk management framework

This program is scheduled for October 17th because it is a day which Indian IT industry needs to always remember as the day when the Indian Digital Society was born. On October 17, 2000, the ITA 2000 was notified and gave recognition to electronic documents, digital signature, digital contract, digital evidence etc and therefore the “Digital Society” itself was recognized on that day.

Today when we are thinking of the Digital India and a Digital India Act which is a combination of the amended ITA 2000, the proposed Personal Data Protection Act and the Amended Telecom Bill, we have to remember  that all these new generation legislations are subordinate to the mother of all IT legislation which was ITA 2000. Even if ITA 2000 is completely replaced by a new law and killed, it is like the death of the originator of a family with age and the descendants are still recognized as  children or grand children of the old man. Similarly the new Telecom Act, the New ITA 2000 and the New PDPB 2019 are all descendants of ITA 2000.

Celebrating the birth  of the ITA 2000 is therefore still a respect that we need to give to  Information Technology Act 2000. (ITA 2000).

Hence Naavi/Cyber  Law College went about planning to conduct the program on October 17th under the title “Digital India Act in the making”, which it proposed to conduct charging a fee of Rs 500/-.

Sensing the opportunity to use this occasion to incentivise the pre-registrants of IDPS 2022, FDPPI has offered to sponsor the fee of all the pre-registrants as an incentive for their early registration.

Not to fall behind in this philanthropic act of FDPPI, Cyber  Law College has also decided to donate this money back to FDPPI as sponsorship of IDPS 2022.

Hence Registration to a free program of IDPS 2022 is providing a free pass to a Paid training program, an incredible but welcome development.

From “Nothing”,  comes “Something” thanks to the innovative thinking of FDPPI and Cyber Law College.

I therefore request interested persons to register in large numbers to IDPS 2022 and get a free entry to the webinar on October 17 . It would benefit the participants as well as FDPPI.




About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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