Has Rajeev Chandrashekar been compromised by the Bitcoin lobby?

A report has appeared in news.bitcoin.com under an article titled  “Indian Parliament Member helping Crypto Community influence Regulation” that Mr Rajeev Chandrasekhar, BJP MP from Bangalore has agreed to “help” and “Influence” the Crypto legislation in India. It is also stated that he met some of the leaders of the Bitcoin industry on 16th instant.

The report also states that Rajeev has given “great guidance” on how to approach positive regulations and this is hailed as a goo step forward for the “India Wants Crypto” campaign of the Bitcoin lobby in India.

This comes as a surprise since Mr Rajeev Chandrashekar is a technocrat who can understand technology and the real intentions of the Bitcoin lobby which is to promote the “Digital Black Currency” so that all the corrupt members of the society can escape the scrutiny of law and enjoy their black wealth.

So far Mr Rajeev has been considered as an MP who could be relied upon for promoting good causes. Hence it is surprising if the report is true.

However, it is likely that what Mr Rajeev could have said was related to just the Block Chain technology and not Bitcoin as a currency of transactions in replacement of legit currency. It is likely that the Bitcoin community is misusing the courtesy extended by the MP to meet the members of the community who visited him.

I have today requested Mr Rajeev Chandrashekar to clarify if the report is true and will share his views if I get a reply from his office.

I will be the happiest person if I get clarified that Mr Rajeev Chandrashekar remains what I presumed he was ..a knowledgeable and reliable politician who stood for the benefit of the society.

A Disturbing Observation

At the same time it is observed that whether with his knowledge or not, a “Bitcoin Miner” is being run from the website of www.rajeev.in, as indicated by the following report.

What this means is that whoever visits the website of BJP Rajyasabha member Mr Rajeev Chandrashekar, would perhaps be gifted with a “Bitcoin miner injection” into the visitor’s computer.

I would like to point out to Mr Rajeev Chandrashekar that this injection of the bitcoin miner is “Introduction of a computer contaminant” and is a contravention of ITA 2000/8 under Section 43(c) and is also a cognizable offence under Section 66.

I request Mr Rajeev Chandrashekar to clarify if the Bitcoin Miner has been included in his website code with his consent and knowledge. If not he can clarify how it got into his website.

At the same time Mr Rajeev Chandrashekar may clarify his stand on Bitcoin legislation and whether he has given his assurance to “Influence” the legislation ostensibly in favour of the Bitcoin community.

I also request Mr Rajeev Chandrashekar to make a public declaration of his “Bitcoin” and other “Private Crypto currency holding”.

I also request Mr Rajeev Chandrashekar to publicly disclose the entire discussions which he had with the Bitcoin industry representatives which included Mr Satvik Vishwanathan who  had been recently arrested by Bangalore police on charges of attempted illegal transactions involving setting up of Bitcoin ATMs, and was therefore a target for investigation by the Enforcement Directorate.


P.S: I have been an admirer of Mr Rajeev Chandrashekar, and it is with lot of pain in my heart and disillusionment that I have written this article. I pray to Lord Ayyappa of Shabarimalai (which Mr Rajeev has visited perhaps today) that let wisdom dawn on Mr Rajeev to clarify that he is not with the Digital Black Currency that Bitcoin represents.

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