FDPPI and DNV to offer Co-Branded services

FDPPI is the leading organization in India focusing on development of systems and best practices  for “Privacy and Personal Data Compliance Management System” (PDP-CMS) and DNV is one of the oldest Management Certification organizations in the world.

The two organizations have come together in a collaboration that offers to the Indian industry co-branded services for building a Privacy and Data Protection Culture in the country and prepare the industry and professionals for the forthcoming Personal Data Protection Act in India through

a) FDPPI-DNV Certification program for Data Protection Professionals

b) FDPPI-DNV Certification of organizations for implementation of  for PDP-CMS (Personal data protection compliance management system)

c) FDPPI-DNV  DTS (Data Trust Score) evaluation

Mr Rajeev Panicker, head ICT business vertical for  Det Norske Veritas GL for India & Middle East Region. (DNV) addressed the FDPPI members on 12th May 2021, during the Jnaana Vardhini session and highlighted the essence of the collaboration between FDPPI and DNV.

Recognizing the value of the complimentary nature of the activities of the two organizations FDPPI and DNV have decided to make co-branded offers for the benefit of the community.

Accordingly, both organizations will offer services of each other to their clients and also execute projects by sharing their resources.

FDPPI has about 37 supporting members of which several members represent organizations which provide their services through revenue sharing arrangements with FDPPI. All of them will now be able to expand their services portfolio with the addition of the FDPPI-DNV co-branded services.

The arrangement is expected to expand the reach of both organizations and benefit the community at large.


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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