E Rupee is a re-invention of Naavi’s DVIIS

Between 2003 and 2021, there is a time gap of 18 years. Between the ideation of DVIIS and E Rupee has been such a distance in time. DVIIS was invented and proposed by Naavi and E-Rupee has been introduced by the Modi Government.

In between, DVIIS or Digital Value Imprinted Instrument System was proposed for patent and discussed with many IT companies including Cognizant, TVS Electronics, TCS, Mind Tree, Infosys etc. But none of these IT wizards could understand the utility of this idea called DVIIS. Subsequently, the ITZ card. It was also discussed with a couple of so called “Venture Capitalists” who were supposed to identify innovative projects ahead of times.

It has however taken 18 years for my idea to come into wide use and perhaps the vision of all the wizards in IT was inadequate to spot a project that was that much ahead of time.

I am however happy that Modi’s Government has taken up the idea independently through NPCI and has replaced the “Paper Token” which I had proposed in 2003 to a “Digital Token” which is the order of the day.

This is not to claim any IPR related issue in the Government using the idea, and I am happy that the Government is using it. But I wonder if it takes 18 years for such a simple idea to be understood and absorbed, how long will some of my ideas of the current years take to become a reality. But life must go on. We need to keep ideating and some day it may become useful.

I will take a little time to explain what I proposed as “Digital Value Imprinted System” which was also proposed in operating form for Stock Holding Corporation of India, Bangalore Corporation etc., but was not approved for usage.

DVIIS is a system where a pre-printed paper token would be issued as a scratch card with a hidden serial number. The number would be used to load value in a digital server. The card would be hand delivered to a payee who would download the value of the card. It was meant to be used as a Digital Stamp, alternative to cheques (at that time UPI and other digital payment systems were not in place), bus ticketing, etc. (One sample instance of the digital stamp system is available at https://naavi.org/dviis/Website/index.htm).

I had spent nearly one year with a Cognizant team to develop the idea into a product but the company was happy as a service company and did not want to develop a new product all on its own.

The Arbitration.in was another such idea which was introduced in 2005 and was even taken to the Supreme Court IT committee for introduction of E Courts. But it took the Covid to make the Supreme Court realize the potential of the ODR system and accept it.

But these were footprints in the sands of time that make us realize that one needs to be at the right time at the right place for any work however good it is to be considered a success.

I hope PDPSI and DVSI would not have to go through this 1-18 year gestation for the idea to be realized. Probably the army of FDPPI which was not in existence in 2003-2005 will ensure that PDPSI and DVSI will realize the potential for which they were created.


P.S: The name ZEMO I used at that time for Zero Memory card to replace smart cards is now being used by some Game!

Also refer:

Black Money Policy of Narendra Modi.. Here is My Idea

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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One Response to E Rupee is a re-invention of Naavi’s DVIIS

  1. V Rajendran says:

    I am happy that after 18 years, your idea got the due recognition, by way of its implementation. Though commercially, you are not for getting any IPR or any such financial gains out of this, you still would derive a psychological happiness and mental satisfaction of having ‘conceptually achieved’ something. Congrats.

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