E Book on Personal Data Protection Act of India published


It is a pleasure to announce that the first book on Personal Data Protection Act of India has been released through Kindle…Amazon.

Kindle version of this book is available at Rs 300/-

The Print version is available both through Notion Press the publisher through the link provided in the home page as well as the E Book page.

The book contains 28 chapters split in to two parts. Part A contains the Personal Data Protection Bill discussed section by section. Part B covers discussions on some key aspects of data protection.

Naavi had published the first book on Cyber Laws in India in December 1999 (Cyber Laws for Every Netizen in India) when the Information Technology Act was yet to be passed. The objective then was to make the details available for use by the Parliamentarians when they discuss the complex law.

A similar objective is behind release of this book on PDPA 2020. Additionally it is expected that the prospective Data Protection Officers in organizations and other professionals like the Advocates, the IT and IS professionals as well as the management professionals are expected to find it more than useful.

The table of content given below indicates the coverage.

About the Author
Table of Contents
Fundamentals of Privacy and Data Protection
Chapter I : Preamble, Statement of Objectives and Preliminary
Chapter II: Obligations of the Data Fiduciary
Chapter III : Grounds for processing personal data without consent
Chapter IV: Personal Data and Sensitive Data of Children
Chapter V: Rights of Data Principal
Chapter VI: Transparency and Accountability Measures
Chapter VII: Restrictions on Transfer of Personal Data outside India
Chapter VIII: Exemptions
Chapter IX: Data Protection Authority
Chapter X: Penalties and Compensation
Chapter XI: Appellate Tribunal
Chapter XII; Finance, Accounts and Audit
Chapter XIII: Offences
Chapter XIV: Miscellaneous
Chapter XV: The exploding job opportunities for DPOs
Chapter XVI: Required qualities of a good DPO
Chapter XVII: Anonymization of Data
Chapter XVIII: Consent as an Instrument of Privacy Protection
Chapter XIX: Privacy in Public Space
Chapter XX: Conflict with other laws.
Chapter XXI: Towards being PDPA compliant
Chapter XXII Data Audit
Chapter XXIII: Data Trust Score
Chapter XXIV: Personal Data Protection Standard of India (PDPSI)
Chapter XXV: Technology Challenges and Tools of Data Protection
Chapter XXVI: Data Governance
Chapter XXVIII: Naavi’s theory of data

As is usual with Naavi, the book is an expression of the years of experience in the field of Cyber Law and Data Protection and will contain his exclusive views some of which the regular readers of this website are aware.

Naavi has  been conducting web based course on PDPA during which also some of his views have been shared with the limited audience. This book will now be a guide for the DPOs.

As and when the bill is passed a supplement will be published to cover the changes that may occur between now and the passage of the Bill.

You can download Kindle for PC/Mac from here: 

Kindle for Android mobile can be downloaded from Playstore. Kindle for iPhone can be downloaded from the Apple store.


P.S:Print version distribution has been affected because of lockdown. Will resume immediately thereafter.

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