DTS-GDPR to be launched soon

After the successful launching of DTS online tool based on the several enquiries received,  Naavi and Ujvala Consultants Private Limited has decided to launch a tool similar to MyDTS for compliance of GDPR.

Since GDPR involves several Supervisory Authorities who may have different interpretations, it is a more challenging task to design a DTS mechanism for GDPR. Also there are already many detailed guidelines available for implementation of the different provisions of GDPR through WP29/EDPB documents as well as ICO-UK website. These need to be incorporated as best practices. There are already hundreds of penalty decisions which also need to be taken into account. Hence this task of creating a model compliance plan for GDPR with a DTS evaluation is several times more challenging than working a model for the proposed Indian law.

However, considering the need for development of an affordable GDPR compliance assessment tool, we shall design a system on best effort basis by adopting the MyDTS system to meet the compliance of GDPR.

I request the support of all experts to enable us succeed in our efforts by suggesting modifications as may be necessary.


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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