After the successful launching of DTS online tool based on the several enquiries received, Naavi and Ujvala Consultants Private Limited has decided to launch a tool similar to MyDTS for compliance of GDPR.
Since GDPR involves several Supervisory Authorities who may have different interpretations, it is a more challenging task to design a DTS mechanism for GDPR. Also there are already many detailed guidelines available for implementation of the different provisions of GDPR through WP29/EDPB documents as well as ICO-UK website. These need to be incorporated as best practices. There are already hundreds of penalty decisions which also need to be taken into account. Hence this task of creating a model compliance plan for GDPR with a DTS evaluation is several times more challenging than working a model for the proposed Indian law.
However, considering the need for development of an affordable GDPR compliance assessment tool, we shall design a system on best effort basis by adopting the MyDTS system to meet the compliance of GDPR.
I request the support of all experts to enable us succeed in our efforts by suggesting modifications as may be necessary.