Disrupting the Disruptors

Whether it is on Privacy or Fintech Innovation or Cyber Laws, we are observing that all discussions in professional circles lead to DPDPA 2023 and Artificial Intelligence.

While Techies discuss AI as the new craze of Innovation and Disruption, the regulators and legal professionals keep warning about the dangers of AI and the need to put it on reigns.

The fact that Google has put a stop to its Google AI project, Mr Elon Musk has repeatedly warned about the dangers of AI, need to be kept in mind when we look at how to welcome AI into business.

Yesterday in a massive conference in Bangalore on AI in FINTECH organized by Razor Pay, the excitement of techies in the disruption caused by AI Technology was palpable. There was however one discreet warning about “Aggressive Juggad” taking on “Aggressive Regulator” from Dr Bharat Panchal who interestingly describes himself as the “Risky MonK”. Dr Padmanabhan, the past Executive  zdirector of RBI also referred to “Disruption of the Disruptors” by non compliance.

In the din of excitement of the day, the warnings would not have been noticed. The vague discussion on “Ethical AI”, is insufficient to address this issue of how “Hallucination”, “Bias”, “Intellectual Property Right and Privacy Right violation” in Machine learning are insufficient to meet the requirements.

FDPPI has been therefore working on how in its DGPSI (Data Governance and Protection Standard of India) framework for DPDPA 2023 compliance the issue of AI can be addressed.

This will be one of the discussions in the special one day training on “Implementation of DPDPA 2023 Compliance through DGPSI” being held in Bangalore on March 2nd at Fairfield Marriot, Bangalore.

Be there if you are interested…


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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