Digital Signature misuse reported in Bengaluru has several times brought to the attention of the public that certain certifying authorities are not following proper procedures for issue of Digital Signature Certificates and this can lead to frauds.

Earlier, one person associated with a Registration Authority had been alleged to have misused the digital signature of a Company Secretary in Bangalore to sign MCA certificates for a fee. Another instance from Delhi had been reported where directors of a Company were alleged to have used the digital signature of a deceased director and transferred the ownership.

Now, another allegation has surfaced in Bangalore where Dr Madhukar Angoor,  Chancellor of Alliance University has stated in a Press Conference that his family members have forged his digital signature to record resignation of himself and his wife to transfer the control of the University when he was abroad. (The case also involves the apparent misuse of laws meant for protection of women where false rape charges are routinely filed to defame and trouble innocent persons, which is outside the scope of this article.)


Also See  Article in Deccan Herald:  Indian Expres

It appears that the English press seems to have not noticed the Cyber Crime angle while Kannada Prabha has reported the misuse of digital signature. This would involve Section 66C and 66D besides, several other sections of ITA 2000/8 and IPC.

It may be easier to investigate the Cyber Crime which may also be a proof of the property motive that could be behind the “rape” charge.  The investigation may also expose some Certifying Authority and their Registration Authority who might have abetted the crime.

It is interesting to note from this earlier article in Bangalore Mirror  that the sister who has lodged a rape complaint on behalf of her daughter is the “Wife of an IPS Officer”.

Justice therefore awaits overcoming the barriers of conflicts of interest in investigation.



About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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2 Responses to Digital Signature misuse reported in Bengaluru

  1. Uday Gupta says:

    How I know someone use digital signature of my name,PAN,mobile,email or DIN. and how many times and where it was used?
    Is there any way or place where I know all the information of misused

    • 98410spice says:

      This control is missing. CCA should introduce a requirement similar to what Aadhar has done through the certifying authority.

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