DTS or Data Trust score is a derivative of DGPSI the unique framework developed by FDPPI. After an auditor audits the DPDPA compliance system of an organization, the auditor also simultaneously generates the Data Trust Score for the enterprise which reflects the maturity of implementation of DPDPA Compliance. This is a conversion of subjective assessment of the auditor into an objective score.
The organization is free to use this score either to improve itself or to disclose it to its customers to enhance their confidence.
In addition, DTS can be used as an “Insurability Index” at the time of seeking insurance against the liabilities of DPDPA and for negotiating the premium for the insurance policy. Similarly when there is a claim, DTS can be used to negotiate the Claim with the insurer.
Additionally, since DGPSI is a process based implementation in the enterprise, DTS can be calculated for each process separately. When a certain process represents a “Product”, “Service” or an “AI algorithm”, the DTS allocated to the process can be used as a marketing tag indicating the induced compliance impact when the product or service is used by a third party.
Learn more about this by attending the Focused Group Discussion for Data Auditors at the IDPS 2024 conference in Bengaluru on November 30 and December 1.

Register today at www.idps2024.in