Data Protection Professionals in India… here is your organization..for you to build…

Data Protection as an activity is in the news. Ever since GDPR opened the flood gates of discussion on the role of Data Protection, the entire IT industry has been continually discussing the pros and cons of the emerging laws.

The recent Aadhaar judgement has placed a question mark on the business processes of many companies including the whole group of Fintech Start ups who are wondering what is the future for them.

The PDPA 2018 draft is still open for public comments for 12 more days upto 10th October 2018, so that public comments including how the Aadhaar related issues can be accommodated in the draft bill. With the Aadhaar judgement heavily dependent on the passage of this bill, the Government is likely to push it for advanced discussion in the Parliament during the winter session and probably its passage before the change of this Government.

At this momentous time, India needs a body that should empower the Data Protection Professionals to ensure that they are empowered with the necessary knowledge and skills and apply it with an ethical mindset.

With this objective in mind, a new Section 8 Company, has been established by Naavi along with some of his associates in Bengaluru, by the name of “Foundation of Data Protection Professionals in India”. (FDPPI).

Full details of this organization is available at

FDPPI also has as its objective bringing together different organizations both formal and informal working on similar objectives and emerge as a “Federation of Data Protection Organizations”. 

FDPPI will also develop appropriate Codes and Practices for different organizations on Data Protections and also develop the “Trust Scores” for Data Protection Practices. It will also provide support in the form of Data Audits as envisaged under PDPA 2018.

FDPPI will also offer  several other services relevant to the industry.

FDPPI envisages that under its banner, all stake holders in Data Protection starting from Data Processors, Software Developers, Information Security, Compliance and Privacy professionals, Advocates in related areas, Law Enforcement agencies, Academic Institutions and Government bodies will work together to build a Data Secure Nation.

An informal meeting of the provisional members of the organization is scheduled to take place in Bengaluru at 4.00 pm today in which the membership registers will also be open.

We invite interested persons to join either physically or through remote log in to the conferencing room. (Please see details at

FDPPI will be an organization of the people who have direct stake in Data Protection and I invite all to join in this movement.


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