Data Protection Board (DPB) …DPDPA Rules

Under the proposed draft rules, the DPB consists of a Chairman and several members to be appointed by two Search Committees which will be set up after the notification of the Draft Rules. One Committee will select the Chairman and the other the Members.

We donot know at this point of time, how many members would be there in the DPB. WE also do not know if the search committees will complete their task quickly and the DPB becomes operational soon.

In order to spur the next level of compliance the DPB needs to come into action.

In this context, the following recommendations are placed before the MeitY.

a) The minimum number of members (excluding the chairman) shall be Six and Maximum shall be Twenty.

b) DPB shall commence its operation with the minimum number of members and MeitY shall review the requirement of the DPB once in a year and increase the number of members as required.

c) The Search Committee may function for one year at a  time and shall review the functioning of the DPB annually and submit a report to the MeitY before a new Search Committee is  set up for the following year.

d) The respective Search Committee shall be responsible for evaluating any complaints received against the Chairman/Members or observations recorded during the monitoring of the activities of the DPB and recommend disqualification if required.  

e) The Search Committee shall meet each quarter or as often as otherwise required to review the activities of the DPB and recommend corrective action if necessary.

f) The external members of the search committee may be paid remuneration as may be determined by the Ministry for the services rendered including sitting fees for meetings.

g) The external members of the Search Committee shall retire each year and shall not be eligible for re-appointment for a continuous second term.

We also hope that the DPB will be operative within the next 3 months.


    About Vijayashankar Na

    Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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