Cyber Law Guru gets a Boost


Pavan Duggal the well known Cyber Law expert in India has joined the panel of experts in the Cyber Law Guru app launched by Naavi with a view to make Cyber Law knowledge reach the common men through an android device. With his joining the expert panel, the panel will now have Naavi, Prashant Mali and Pavan Duggal in the panel. For those who are aware of the development of Cyber Law consultancy in India, Pavan Duggal represents one of the earliest entrants into the field and we are happy that his joining the panel provides a huge boost to the Cyber Law Guru initiative.

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The “Cyber Law Guru”  is Part of Naavi’s initiative to take Cyber Law Education to the masses. Presently the App is available on the Android platform  and in due course the ios version will  also be launched.

Both Mr Prashant Mali and Pavan Duggal have impeccable international reputation and I personally thank both  of them for joining hands on this platform. I hope the Netizens of India will appreciate this great opportunity to interact with experts and enrich themselves. We feel that it is the public who by raising intelligent questions can  make this develop into a useful knowledge base.

It is clarified that Cyber Law Guru is not meant for  “Legal Consultancy” and users are free to contact the experts separately if they want any case specific assistance. However general public and more particularly students can make use of this app to be conversant with the Cyber Laws in the country.


[Since other experts were unable to respond to queries on the android app, it has been decided to drop their names in the subsequent versions. This post remains only as a matter of record…Naavi]

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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1 Response to Cyber Law Guru gets a Boost

  1. Nilam Doctor says:

    Welcome Pavan and Mali to a great initiative…
    I am proud to be with you whenever you want…

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