Cyber Insurance Website launched

In pursuance of Naavi’s efforts to promote the concept of Cyber Insurance in India, Naavi has launched a dedicated website Cyber to discuss all issues of Cyber Insurance in India.

Naavi considers Cyber Insurance an important developing field because in the era of increasing Cyber threats accompanied by an increasing usage of Internet in a Digital India, the Netizen community needs to be protected against the risks.

Naavi also considers that Cyber Insurance is an extension of the Techno Legal Information Security activities since “Risk Transfer” is one of the four ways Risks can be managed in business, the others being Risk avoidance, Risk absorption and Risk Mitigation.

For the last several years, Naavi has been discussing the issue of Cyber Insurance with several industry players but found very little interest on the subject in the market place.

The reasons are many. Some may consider that like many of Naavi’s obsessions, this is ahead of its time and the business is yet to mature. Some may have no confidence that this is a viable business. Some may think it is some body elses’s responsibility.

The recent India Cyber Insurance Survey 2015 and the interactions Naavi has had with professionals in the Insurance industry do suggest that there is still lot of grounds to be covered in this field by both the Insurance industry as well as the Information Security industry.

But Naavi considers that this ground has to be covered if our dream of Digital India does not end up as a disaster.

Naavi has urged PM Mr Narendra Modi that just as he launched the life and accident insurance schemes for the masses as a part of his national agenda, he needs to push Cyber Insurance as part of Digital India agenda.

We hope that in due course this would be accepted as a policy in the Government.

In the meantime, we shall continue our efforts to popularize the concept of Cyber Insurance and also provide whatever assistance that is required by the industry to enhance the use of Cyber Insurance.

For some time there may be dual posting of articles between and

However, I expect that should attract contributions from other professionals and develop into a community website.

I welcome contributions.


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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