Cyber Command Push should be our response to Uri Attack

The unfortunate terror attack in Uri in which about 20 Indian soldiers were martyred should open the eyes of our defense strategists to plug our weaknesses and strengthen our defenses.  There is no doubt that the incident highlights negligence on the part of the local unit in Uri which failed to assess the risk and take sufficient steps to stop such an attack. Like the US twin tower attack, the terrorists can gloat over their success for a long time to come and use it to motivate their force. We need to counter this with an appropriate counter attack that can have a long term impact on our defense systems.

We are sure that unlike the previous Congress Government which was more sympathetic to Pakistani terrrorists and even went to the extent of shedding tears when terrorists were killed and also provided shield to terrorists by taking a stand that Ishrat Jehan was not a terrorist, Modi Government is more determined to provide a tough counter response.

The debate however is “What should such tough Counter response be?”.  Since yesterday, we are seeing many experts suggesting different options. Some have suggested that India should raise a “Non State Actor Force” which can undertake covert operations to hurt Pakistan. A formal strike on terror hideouts is another suggested response. Economic blockade on Pakistan and its known sympathizers like China is another strong response suggested.

While political efforts to isolate Pakistan in the international scenario and obtain sanctions on them is overdue, it should start with India itself. We need to immediately put an embargo on all trade and people to people relations with Pakistan and ignore opposition from people like Salman Kurshid and Mani Shankar Iyer. We should also immediately act in J&K and declare Governor’s rule with Army in complete control. All Government expenditure on securing the separatist leaders and their security should be immediately withdrawn and they should be put in proper jails outside Kashmir. This is meant to hurt Pakistan psychologically.

Simultaneously, economic blockade of red flagging countries and companies dealing with Pakistan and putting barriers on their business with India must begin.

Beyond these Psychological and Economic measures, leaving the military options to the experts, there is a need for the Government to focus on the long standing demand for setting up the “Cyber Command” to take up “Electronic Warfare”. This has been discussed for over a decade now and I presume that some where in our defense systems some silent work is being done. But it is evident that we are not able to see the effect of this in either reducing terrorist attacks or in inflicting damage on the Pakistan economy through electronic warfare.

I think the time has come now for the Modi Government to take show case its resolve to fight Pakistani proxy war through terrorism by its own brand of Cyber War Fare.

India may require lot of investment in its defense which has been systematically weakened by the corrupt UPA Government in the past, in the form of Aircrafts, Submarines etc. But amidst such investments in military hardware, substantial investments in electronic warfare is also required. I presume that electronic warfare will eventually not as expensive as conventional warfare is.

To begin this exercise, Government has to first set up a Cyber Command or if one has already been in existence, start some action to develop a few thousand cyber warriors properly recruited directly off the colleges. The strategy and scope of operations of such command is not a subject matter of public discussion.

I look forward to some concrete action from the defense minister  immediately so that the Indian Cyber Command not only strengthens our intelligence capabilities but also the capabilities to launch strikes on Pakistan military. This should be the one single difference between India before Uri attack and India after Uri attack.


Related Article:

The Cyber Command: Upgrading India’s national security architecture

orf special report

New Indian Cyber Command Urged Following Recent Attacks

Indian National Cyber Security Challenges

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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