Corporation Bank net Banking System goes for a toss?


It is not clear what is happening at Corporation Bank and its online Banking system. Earlier the Internet Banking system was borrowed from the old ICICI Bank and it was working in the SB environment though not in the Current account environment.

In between the Bank made changes in the account numbering system which itself caused problems for the customers who had to keep reminding the Bank the old number and the new number when NEFT payments were requested from their clients from elsewhere.

Now Corporation Bank is migrating to the Finacle System and has disabled the old system completely. The Bank requires every one of the earlier customers to re-activate their accounts in the new system instead of migrating the accounts automatically into the new system.

Additionally the migration is not working since if the old credentials are used, the system is still throwing an error.

Attempt to contact the help lines over 1800 as well as the land lines have failed. The website does not give e-mails of the corporate departments and the landlines are unattended.

There is therefore a concern if Corporation Bank is presently under some sort of an IT freeze arising out of the change in the CBS system. This is actually a “Denial of Access” to the customers arising out of bad management of IT.

We can recall that once in the past the Bank had a similar problem which required an automatic Internet holiday because of system problems.

I have called for clarification from the Bank and when received will share with the public. In the meantime if other customers of the Bank have similar problems, please do write to me over e-mail in the contact page.


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11 Responses to Corporation Bank net Banking System goes for a toss?

  1. PRASADA RAO says:

    Hi Sir
    I have two accounts in Corporation Bank a SB account and also a current account , both of which I am not able to operate since 5 September , 2018 . I have been in touch with all the Senior Officers of the bank through mails ( including Chairmans office , GM , IT and Omundsman .) Nothing has happened so far . And so I feel that the problem is much more serious than what we are all imagining .
    The more serious thing is that they dont even formally send response to your complaint . That again makes me feel that they are in a deeper pit .
    For the past 10 days I am searching internet to see of people are posting difficulties abt Cororation Bank Internet Banking .
    I dont see the end of the tunnel of problems in the near future . I was wondering if there a possibility of a class suit against them for difficiency of service ..
    What are your ideas on this ? It is too long for any one to suffer .
    I held a Senior position in the Govt of India and so perhaps was easy for me to escalate the matter to higher levels ..but what abt ordinary account holders..
    please do share your reaction ..
    thanks and regards

  2. PRASADA RAO says:

    I tried to post a comment on this column reg the efforts I made with some Senior Officials of the bank .
    your website says :
    Deleted . you have already said so.
    I have never sent any comment on this issue any where , but surprisingly this is what I got when I tried to post.brininging to your notice so that you aknow that there is some problem
    Prasada rao

  3. Pingback: Buy from Infosys, ask Wipro to implement… damn the Corporation Bank story |

  4. Suresh Kamath says:

    Warm greetings Naavi Sir.

    I am the former software provider to Corporation Bank and I do not sell any competing core banking or online banking product now and hence do not have any vested interest.

    There is one more angle to this story, or reality. I have worked more than 25 years closely with so many staff members of Corporation Bank. I have found them to be excellent bankers and almost all of them have been very keen to serve customers. And with the kind of service they provided, bank has grown steadily. With the new software I find the staff also suffering silently. They are really helpless, they want to serve customers and are unable to do so.

    There are serious design issues in most of the core banking products available in the market. Software has serious performance issues and many short comings in the financial design. Role based menu cannot be provided, just because software performance cannot be managed and the users have to use short codes to access every program. Bank has invested huge sums of money and the bank and the staff have lost control of their operations and are seemingly helpless.

    It is time system integrators and the product supplier work with the Bank’s team and bring back the glory of Corporation Bank.

    • 98410spice says:

      I agree with you. I suppose you remember me. I was one of your admirers for the principles you were pursuing in your company.

  5. G C N says:

    Corporation bank internet banking is in a real bad shape even after migrating to Finnacle recently. The account which was opening sometime back is not opening now with the same password. When you ask to generate a new password, the screen comes up with questions which were not answered while reactivating our account under the newly introduced Finnacle platform. I agree with you all that something is seriously wrong with the Corporation Bank’s IT system. It is in a state of total disarray and very frustating for the Corporation Bank customers. This is not good for Corporation Bank in an era of intense competition with banks that possess the cutting edge digital technology.

  6. Jayant Arora says:

    I am customer of Corp Bank since 1974 and must say a good bank has gone bad due their choosing Finacle. Software per se may not be bad but implementation is shoddy.

    My company was customer of one of the earlier contributors, Suresh Kamath. I agree with him and would like to add that Corp Bank should have run old and new software in tandem and stopped old one only after new withstood test over a long period. Tragically this age old practice was somehow dispensed with. I understand they lost deposits to the tune of 25 to 30 %.

    Will someone from the bank would like to dispute this?

    Jayant Arora

  7. Vishal says:

    I have NRI account with corporation bank and I am not able to process transfer money from my NRI account to saving account. Foreign account to Corporation NRI account trasaction was successful but now from corporation to other indian bank is not working and getting error as transaction failed, Please suggest way forwards


  8. Dmk says:

    PATHETIC net banking at Corporation bank……….I dont know what is happening with corporation bank IT systems.Many login attempts failed and once somehow managed to login and transaction is done but not reaching back to the merchant site.But my account is debited again and again.The most painful part is even after contacting the bank about the issue,there is no single response from them.

  9. Skavit says:

    Unable to open

    Also the mobile apps corp ease and corp e passbook not working.

    Does anybody have an idea what’s wrong with the site?

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