Chief Justice of India should restore the dignity of the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of India will start functioning again after vacation from July 11th. Unfortunately during the Vacation  the reputation of the Court has been damaged almost irreversibly.

The responsibility to put it back on the rails is with the Chief Justice of India.

The judges who erred by pronouncing a judgement escaping the responsibility to record their views in a speaking judgement, are now under an intense public scrutiny.

The erring judges, have promptly started  justifying their action calling India as an immature democracy. They are now hitting out at the Social Media as the culprit and suggesting gagging of the social media. They may also invoke the powers of Contempt of Court to curb the freedom of expression selectively .

Such measures may silence criticism for the time being and push the disrespect of Supreme Court underground. But it will ensure that the reputation of the Supreme Court would be permanently damaged and the public will no longer trust the Courts at any level.

It is now in the hands of the Chief Justice of India prevent such a catastrophe and restore the honour of the honourable court by initiating appropriate action as the Chief Justice of India may deem fit.

If the Chief Justice of India decides to condone the mistakes of his brother judges, We the people of India will get a message that we should be ready for the  Shariatization of the supreme Court.

It must be acknowledged that the action of the vacation bench of the  Supreme Court has resulted in the spreading of a fear psychosis  in the country since we as Citizens of India can no more trust the  highest Court of the land for protection of our life.  If there is no protection from the Supreme Court, it means there will be no support from other Courts or the Police. The future of India as a law abiding democracy is in threat because of the actions of the vacation bench of the Supreme Court.

I therefore personally request the Chief Justice of India  to act now to protect the Country. As an elderly citizen born before the current Chief Justice of India was born, I remind him that it is his constitutional duty to protect the country and this duty towers above everything else including protecting brother judges.


(P.S: Followers of this blog may excuse me for this off-topic expression since there is an existential crisis for the people of India because we the people of India have lost the judicial protection enshrined in the constitution. If no remedial action is taken by the CJI, the writing on the wall is clear that it is the end of road for all our professional activities. Since it is no longer safe to express an opinion in India and to move around, the professional activities of Naavi may need to be suspended. Naavi)

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About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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1 Response to Chief Justice of India should restore the dignity of the Supreme Court

  1. Raman Nair says:

    The feelings of law abidings citizen’s can be be expressed in no better words than this. Regards and love.

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