Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mumbai Consumer Court awards compensation in ATM fraud case

Maharashtra State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission ordered Citibank to pay Rs 9.44 lakh to a man, after Rs 6 lakh wasfraudulently withdrawn from his account with an ATM card which he did not even possess. In December 2006,Ratilal Israni a SB … Continue reading

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PCI Guidelines for E Commerce websites

On Jan. 31, the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council issued its PCI DSS E-commerce Guidelines Information Supplement, a set of guidelines for e-commerce security. The guidelines relate to online infrastructures and how merchants work with third-party providers. The guidance … Continue reading

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Vishwaroopam Episode and Free Speech Rights in India

During the last few days, discussions about Vishwaroopam, the movie has occupied the Indian media and have opened up debates on Free Speech as well as the Responsibility of the Police and State Governments as well as the power of … Continue reading

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Silicon India interview

Naavi was recently interviewed by Silicon India. The interview is available in the community page of Silicon India. A link is available here.  The interview is presented in the physical society identity of Naavi. The theme of the interview is basically … Continue reading

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Donot link Aadhar to your Bank account

I observed during the Aadhar registration process in Bangalore that by default the registrar was encouraging registrants to link their Bank accounts to the Aadhar application. Risk associated with such process has been highlighted by the fraud reported in Midday … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Crime, Cyber Law, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Cloud Computing and ITA 2008

Though “Cloud Computing” has been on discussion for the last 4 to 5 years, the rate of adoption is considered slower than expected. One of the main reasons is that during this period while there are new developments in the … Continue reading

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