Category Archives: Uncategorized

59% growth in Phishing

According to the estimate of RSA, the total number of phishing attacks in 2012 were around 445,004. This was up 59% from the previous year’s number of 279,580 and estiamted to have created a loss of around US$ 1.5 billion … Continue reading

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Employee Fights against Unlawful activities of Employer

An interesting legal suit is being fought in US which has implications for any honest employee who is in a dilemma when he/she observes that the organization in which he/she works is engaged in unlawful activities or trying to cover … Continue reading

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Delhi Court issues summons to US Companies

Delhi Metropolitan Magistrate Court has issued summons to 11 US based websites including Facebook and Google for promoting enmity and undermining national integrity. The MHA has been asked to serve the notices. Other websites who will be summoned include Orkut, … Continue reading

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In US, SSN is being removed from Medicare records…

A bill is being passed in US to de-link Social Security Number from medicare ID cards. This is being pushed to avoid Medicare identity theft. Report The decision follows the observation that medicare security breaches are resulting in loss of … Continue reading

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Dutch Responsible Disclosure Guideline..organizational responsibilites

In continuation of the earlier posts, following are the obligations that the Dutch National Cyber Security Council has imposed on the owners of systems. According to the guidelines it is necessary for the organization to have a policy on” Responsible … Continue reading

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Free CEAC support for Ethical Hackers reporting vulnerabilities

I refer to the earlier post where the Disclosure guidelines for Ethical Hackers suggested by the Government of Netherlands when they observe vulnerabilities. (The original Dutch version guideline is available here:: English Version) One of the suggestions made there in … Continue reading

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