Category Archives: Information Assurance

How the OTP system for Bank transactions is bypassed

Dec 7: The commercial banks in India have banked heavily on the two factor system where the OTP sent through a mobile is used to authenticate the password based access. Some Banks like SBI and ICICI Bank even tried to convince … Continue reading

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PWC Survey on Security preparedness

Dec7: PWC has released the findings of its “The State of Information Security survey-2013” indicating that there is an increasing interest and budget allocations for Information security in the Indian companies. Report

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Centralized IMEI data base to go on trial in a month

Dec 5: In a measure that could put a break on Mobile thefts, Government of India has approved a trial running of a centralized IMEI data base in India. This would enable tracking of stolen mobiles and make it difficult … Continue reading

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PATCO Case: Bank’s Liability for Frauds

Dec 3: Naavi has been personally fighting several Bank fraud cases on behalf of victim customers. This struggle has been temporarily blocked because the Government of India has failed to appoint the chairperson for Cyber Appellate Tribunal (CAT) since June 2011 … Continue reading

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TELCOs are responsible to counter Chinese Threat

Dec 2: An US intelliegence report recently advised that “American companies and its government should avoid doing business with China’s two leading technology firms, Huawei and ZTE, because they pose a national security threat to the US”. Copy of the report After … Continue reading

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