Category Archives: Information Assurance

Starting an Information Assurance Program

Information Assurance (IA) is a management initiative to ensure Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Authentication and Non Repudiation of information in an organization. Taking the practical difficulties involved in achieving a satisfactory level of IA, Naavi has suggested a “Total Information Assurance”(TIA) … Continue reading

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Five Year Plan on National Cyber Security Unveiled

In a long pending but welcome move it appears that the GOI has unveiled a Five Year plan on National Cyber Security. Having recognized the inadequacy of the IND-CERT which is the designated nodal agency for Critical IT infrastructure security … Continue reading

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Banks Should Report Data Breach Incidents

European Union is considering mandatory data breach notification by Banks and other critical infrastructure services. A draft proposal to this effect is under consideration. At present one of the hindrances to Cyber Crime Insurance is the lack of adequate information … Continue reading

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Banks are under Attack.. Beware

Security specialists have put out a grave warning about a massive Cyber attack planned against 30 major US Banks. RSA recently announced that a gang of Criminals had developed a sophisticated Trojan under a project idenitified as “Project Blitzkreig” which … Continue reading

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Virtual Key Board unsafe under IE

Dec 13: A vulnerability in Internet Explorer is said to make it possible for a hacker to track the mouse cursor movements on the screen. This would make the “Virtual key board” system used by some Banks for password entry useless. … Continue reading

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FIR Filed Against Airtel CMD

Dec 12: Naavi has long been complaining that Airtel is practicing unethical practices for over charging its customers including placement of fraudulent transactions in the customer’s mobile and data usage accounts which amount to offences under ITA 2008. It is therefore … Continue reading

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