Category Archives: Information Assurance

Security issues delay Academy awards voting

Information Security measures put in place to keep hackers from disrupting the Oscars’ online voting system is reported to have created hurdles for voters. Many voters have expressed difficulty in using the system and being locked out by the system … Continue reading

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Year 2012 in retrospect..from the view point of Cyber Law in India

The Cyber Law scene in India during 2012 was dominated by the discussions of Section 66A. The rules notified under sections 43A and 79 which held center stage in 2011 also continued into 2012. The end of the year however … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Crime, Cyber Law, Information Assurance, Privacy, TELCO, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Hackers hold Australian Health records hostage

A group of Russian hackers are reportedly holding medical records of an Australian Clinic hostage and demanding a ransom of Australian $400 million. The cyber criminals hacked into the server of the clinic and encrypted the records and demanding ransom … Continue reading

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Bank fraud of 1.05 crores

In an interesting fraud a Mumbai based cooperative bank found that Rs 1.05 crores was fraudulently transferred out of its account with another public sector bank by fraudulent RTGS transfers. TOI report The amount has been transferred to 12 different … Continue reading

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e-authentication framework for Government projects

The Department of Electronics and Information Technology, GOI (DeitY) has released a document called “e-Pramaan: Framework for e-Authentication”. This is intended to serve as the guiding document for all Central and State Ministries, departments and government agencies for implementing an … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Crime, Cyber Law, Information Assurance, Privacy | 2 Comments

Vulnerabilities in human space

According to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), a “Vulnerability” in Risk Analysis context is defined as a”flaw or weakness in system security procedures, design,implementation, or internal controls that could be exercised (accidentally triggered or intentionally exploited) and result … Continue reading

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