Category Archives: Information Assurance

Employee Fights against Unlawful activities of Employer

An interesting legal suit is being fought in US which has implications for any honest employee who is in a dilemma when he/she observes that the organization in which he/she works is engaged in unlawful activities or trying to cover … Continue reading

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Dutch Responsible Disclosure Guideline..organizational responsibilites

In continuation of the earlier posts, following are the obligations that the Dutch National Cyber Security Council has imposed on the owners of systems. According to the guidelines it is necessary for the organization to have a policy on” Responsible … Continue reading

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Guidelines For Ethical Hackers

The Netherlands Government has issued guidelines for “Ethical hackers” who discover vulnerabilities for reporting the vulnerabilities. According to the guidelines a person who discovers the vulnerability should report it directly to the owner of the system in a confidential manner. … Continue reading

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Hacking of Government websites lead to losses..

It is well known that websites of Government of India hosted at NIC are not adequately protected against cyber attacks. It has now been admitted that “The defacement and hacking of government websites have not only brought to the fore … Continue reading

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Cyber Law Predictions-US-Patent issues

The BNA’s Electronic Commerce & Law report predicts a fresh look at Software Patents. Experts are of the view that US Patent law is stiffling innovation and driving up costs through excessive litigation. Some of the cases which will be … Continue reading

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Cyberlaw Predictions-US-Privacy Litigation

BNA’s Electronic Commerce & Law report which has gathered views on the predictions in Cyber Law from experts has predicted that Privacy litigation is going to increase during the upcoming year. During 2012, i a notable litigation Google agreed to … Continue reading

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