Category Archives: Information Assurance

Mobile Apps Company fined $800,000

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) of USA has fined a two year old Mobile Apps manufacturing company “Path” a sum of US$ 800,000 for violating the privacy of US Citizens. In particular the Social Networking Apps manufacturer was charged with … Continue reading

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Rs 1 Crore lost by executive in Mumbai Bank fraud

In one of the larger Bank frauds of recent times, an executive in Mumbai has lost Rs 1 crore through a series of fraudulent transactions in his Bank account. The transactions occurred through 12 RTGS debits within a space of … Continue reading

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Mumbai Consumer Court awards compensation in ATM fraud case

Maharashtra State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission ordered Citibank to pay Rs 9.44 lakh to a man, after Rs 6 lakh wasfraudulently withdrawn from his account with an ATM card which he did not even possess. In December 2006,Ratilal Israni a SB … Continue reading

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PCI Guidelines for E Commerce websites

On Jan. 31, the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council issued its PCI DSS E-commerce Guidelines Information Supplement, a set of guidelines for e-commerce security. The guidelines relate to online infrastructures and how merchants work with third-party providers. The guidance … Continue reading

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Mobile Apps.. Guidelines on Privacy

California Department of Justice has released a set of guidelines for Mobile Apps developers which act as “privacy Practice Recommendations”. The practices recommended here are expected to help in the compliance of the California Online privacy protection Act (COPPA) Being … Continue reading

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RBI’s responsibility in preventing Aadhar Misuse for Bank Frauds

I refer to the news report in Midday indicating a new modus operandi in the commission of a Bank fraud in India. This fraud has been committed as a combination of “Phishing”, “Security lapses at the victim’s Bank”, “Compromise of KYC by … Continue reading

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