Category Archives: Information Assurance

Break the Back of Bank Frauds

The Great E Bank Robbery in which US$ 45 million (Rs 250 crores) was drawn in cash in about 40000 fraudulent withdrawals spread over 12 and half hours on two different days, across 27 countries is an eye opener to … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Crime, ITA 2008, RBI, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

The Kingpin of the Great E Banking Robbery shot dead by his partners

The spectacular US$ 45 million global bank heist has already claimed the life of the suspected kingpin. Alberto Yusi Lajud-Peña, one of a number of suspected ringleaders behind a coordinated and sophisticated global bank heist operation that netted the thieves … Continue reading

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Modus Operandi of the Great E-Bank Robbery

The recent Banking Fraud where US $45 million (Rs 250 crores) were withdrawn in cash across 27 countries was a sensational international cyber crime that warrants a serious analysis by all Cyber Crime and Cyber Security experts. What is intriguing … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Crime, ITA 2008, RBI | 1 Comment

Competitive Compliance is the need of the hour.. Naavi

Speaking at the workshop on Safe E Banking, Naavi highlighted the regulatory aspects of Information Security in E Banking and the need for compliance. Speaking on the Risk mitigation guidelines released by RBI on February 28, 2013 and the fast … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Information Assurance, RBI | Leave a comment

Migrating to Adaptive Authentication

Banks in India have been traditionally using the “Legally Non Compliant”, “Password based Authentication” for their E Banking requirements. As a result there are frequent customer-Bank conflicts where the customer demands that Bank should undertake the liability on account of … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, ITA 2008, RBI, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Banking Ombudsman Scheme under Review

As one of the follow up measures of Damodaran Committee report on Customer Service, RBI has set up a committee to review the Banking Ombudsman scheme. (Refer details here). Members of the public who have their views on the functioning … Continue reading

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