Category Archives: Bank

Safe E Banking- Some initiatives that calls for attention

Naavi has been following the developments in the Indian Banking scenario for the last 4 decades and has closely been associated with the industry as an employee of the Banking industry as well as a consultant and critique. In the … Continue reading

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IT Security Summit 2013 held at Pune

The College of Agricultural Banking, Pune, a premier training institute for Bankers in India an arm of the Reserve Bank of India conducted a two day workshop on IT Security. Attended by over 40 CISOs of different Banks, the two … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, ITA 2008, RBI | Leave a comment

Cyber Criminals Rejoice in Karnataka

It is a black day in the State of Karnataka. For some time now, Cyber Criminals in Karnataka can rejoice that no case can be booked against them under ITA 2008 for hacking of a Bank or any Company systems. … Continue reading

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ICICI Employee Arrested for 32 lakhs fraud

An ex employee of ICICI Bank has reportedly been arrested for duping one of the Canadian Customer, by name Pierre Courtat to the extent of Rs 32 lakhs. The customer held about 61451 Canadian dollars in an account which was … Continue reading

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RBI should Inspect Bank’s Subsidiaries

The recent Banking frauds in India and abroad have indicated that the security breach not only occurs at the Bank (besides the customer) but more often at the outsourcing partner of the Bank. Whether the outsource partner is a big … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Crime, Cyber Law, ITA 2008, Netizen's Forum, RBI | Leave a comment

Another Great E Banking Robbery Could destroy our Banking system

The recent Bank Fraud in Mumbai in which an amount of Rs 2.41 crores was transferred out of RPG group’s account with Yes Bank coming close on the heels of US$45 million Card fraud in USA should raise the concerns … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Crime, ITA 2008, RBI | Leave a comment