Category Archives: Bank

Rs 1 Crore lost by executive in Mumbai Bank fraud

In one of the larger Bank frauds of recent times, an executive in Mumbai has lost Rs 1 crore through a series of fraudulent transactions in his Bank account. The transactions occurred through 12 RTGS debits within a space of … Continue reading

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Mumbai Consumer Court awards compensation in ATM fraud case

Maharashtra State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission ordered Citibank to pay Rs 9.44 lakh to a man, after Rs 6 lakh wasfraudulently withdrawn from his account with an ATM card which he did not even possess. In December 2006,Ratilal Israni a SB … Continue reading

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RBI’s responsibility in preventing Aadhar Misuse for Bank Frauds

I refer to the news report in Midday indicating a new modus operandi in the commission of a Bank fraud in India. This fraud has been committed as a combination of “Phishing”, “Security lapses at the victim’s Bank”, “Compromise of KYC by … Continue reading

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Donot link Aadhar to your Bank account

I observed during the Aadhar registration process in Bangalore that by default the registrar was encouraging registrants to link their Bank accounts to the Aadhar application. Risk associated with such process has been highlighted by the fraud reported in Midday … Continue reading

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Year 2012 in retrospect..from the view point of Cyber Law in India

The Cyber Law scene in India during 2012 was dominated by the discussions of Section 66A. The rules notified under sections 43A and 79 which held center stage in 2011 also continued into 2012. The end of the year however … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Crime, Cyber Law, Information Assurance, Privacy, TELCO, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Bank fraud of 1.05 crores

In an interesting fraud a Mumbai based cooperative bank found that Rs 1.05 crores was fraudulently transferred out of its account with another public sector bank by fraudulent RTGS transfers. TOI report The amount has been transferred to 12 different … Continue reading

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