Category Archives: HIPAA

Multi Billion Dollar Catastrophe…

On January 29, 2015, Anthem Inc, a Health Insurance provider in US (second largest in US) reported a discovery of a Cyber Attack in which it is estimated that about 78.80 million health records have been compromised. (Refer here). The … Continue reading

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USA moves towards “Health Care for All”

The much debated “Obama Care” or “Affordable Care Act” on which the US Government faced a “Shut Down” recently has started getting active. The Act which envisages that every US citizen will get a health insurance at affordable cost without … Continue reading

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US Shutdown

The forced shutdown of US Government has now entered the second day and is threatening to affect other economies. For general information we may state that US Shut down has arisen because the House of Representatives dominated by the Republican … Continue reading

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HIPAA-US$1.2 m damage for not sanitizing photocopier hard disk

A HITECH Act violation by a health plan in New York resulted in a potential data breach of 344,579 individuals has resulted in the HHS imposition of penalty of Rs $1,215,780 as a settlement. The breach occurred when the Plan … Continue reading

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Indian Company causes HIPAA breach

An Indian contractor of a medical transcription company (M2ComSys) is said to have caused a breach of  PHI belonging to 32000 patients of US based Cogent healthcare leading to data breach notification by the US company. It is stated that … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law, HIPAA | 4 Comments

Data Breach Report within 60 minutes

Reporting of Data Breach incidents has been one of the most contentious aspects of the HITECH Act provisions. The initial provisions on the data breach notifications were kept in abeyance for nearly 2 years predictably because the industry did not … Continue reading

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