Category Archives: Cyber Law

DPDPA is Here…4 Business Impact Assessment

In the earlier three articles, we covered three steps towards DPDPA compliance namely Let’s now discuss the concept of BIA. We have earlier heard the concept of PIA (Privacy Impact Assessment) and DPIA (Data Protection Impact Assessment). In PIA we … Continue reading

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Awareness to Consciousness..let us make the move now

“Awareness” is a common word used by the industry whenever new developments like the DPDPA happens. We all start conducting more and more “Awareness Training Sessions”. But Awareness is often a surface level understanding and does not get deep into … Continue reading

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DPDPA is here…3: Leadership Awareness

In the last two articles, we discussed how a Compliance oriented organization in India may react to the passing of the DPDPA with the following steps. Step 1: Conduct a Board Meeting in which the advent of the new law … Continue reading

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DPDPA is here…2: Who will conduct the FIrst Business Impact Assessment?

In the earlier article we discussed the need for the Board of a company to immediately pass a resolution taking into notice the passage of DPDPA 2023 and initiating further action. It would be most natural for most companies to … Continue reading

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DPDPA is here-1… Your Board Meeting has to take note

Now that DPDPA 2023 has been gazetted with the Presidential Assent professionals in the industry are wondering what they should do now? Should they expect that the Government will now sleep over it and the date of applicability may not … Continue reading

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SonyLiv is living in the past…

India has just now passed DPDPA 2023. While there is an expectation in the air about organizations becoming more responsible in handling personal information, I came across a request for permission for installation of SonyLiv app on an Android mobile. … Continue reading

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