Category Archives: ITA 2008

Adjudicator Maharashtra on Privacy of employee data

In an interesting award from the Adjudicator of Maharashtra, an employer (Rud India Chains Private Limited) who fought the complaint of  an employee (Amit Patwardhan) for privacy violation with the counter charge of employee sharing confidential company data with a rival company, … Continue reading

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Comments on IT Rules from Center for Internet and Society

The Center for Internet and Society (CIS) has released a commentary on the rules which the DeiTy had released some time back on a) Electronic Service Delivery under Section 6A of ITA 2008 b) Reasonable Security Guidelines under Section 43A … Continue reading

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Mr Katju advocates Social Media Regulation

Mr Katju, the Chair person of Press Council of India has become popular in recent days as a “Mercy Pleader” for Sanjay Dutt and other convicts. Though enjoying a Government appointment as a former Judge of Supreme Court, his actions … Continue reading

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MD5 to SHA256..but password cracking becomes easier

In an interesting evelations, it is stated that CISCO has recently started using a different method for storing user’s passwords which involves shifting from MD5 to SHA 256 which makes passwords more vulnerable to cracking. We are aware that MD5 … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Crime, ITA 2008 | Leave a comment

Modus Operandi of a Phishing Fraud

The investigations by the Mulund Police about the Rs 1 crore phishing fraud that occurred in Mumbai have brought to public attention the modus operandi of the fraudsters. The police have arrested two brothers in Delhi who have revealed the … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Crime, Cyber Law, ITA 2008, Netizen's Forum | Leave a comment

Supreme Court to consider PIL for regulatory framework for Cyber Crime

Based on a writ petition [Dilipkumar Tulsidas Shah v. Union of India, W.P. (C) 97/2013] filed an industrialist based in Pune, who was arrested for an alleged cyber crime, the Supreme Court has on Friday issued notice to the Central … Continue reading

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