Category Archives: Cyber Crime

Vulnerabilities in human space

According to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), a “Vulnerability” in Risk Analysis context is defined as a”flaw or weakness in system security procedures, design,implementation, or internal controls that could be exercised (accidentally triggered or intentionally exploited) and result … Continue reading

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Beware of Bogus LinkedIn invitations

Invitations from unknown persons in LinkedIn or Face Book or other sites are considered potential risks since accepting such invitations could lead to downloading of dangerous viruses. Even if the invitations appear to come from friends it is unreliable since … Continue reading

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TN to use Goondas Act to fight Cyber Crime?

Some of the news papers today highlighted some statements made by the CM in a meeting of IAS officers with the captions as follows: Hindu: TN will use Goondas Act to curb cyber crime Deccan Chronicle: Goondas Act on cyber … Continue reading

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Five Year Plan on National Cyber Security Unveiled

In a long pending but welcome move it appears that the GOI has unveiled a Five Year plan on National Cyber Security. Having recognized the inadequacy of the IND-CERT which is the designated nodal agency for Critical IT infrastructure security … Continue reading

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Banks Should Report Data Breach Incidents

European Union is considering mandatory data breach notification by Banks and other critical infrastructure services. A draft proposal to this effect is under consideration. At present one of the hindrances to Cyber Crime Insurance is the lack of adequate information … Continue reading

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Section 66A is not meant for “Cyber Defamation”

Besides other issues confronting our country today, if we restrict our focus to the Cyber Law domain, two major issues are in focus. One is the debate on whether Section 66A of ITA 2008 is constitutionally valid and the other … Continue reading

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