Category Archives: bitcoin

Is virtual currency popularity built on Banking inefficiency?

The exploding popularity of Bitcoins and other crypto currency is a matter of concern and intrigue for all economists. One of the USPs of the Bitcoins for example is the ability to move it from one holder to another holder … Continue reading

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More Cryptocoins come up for attention

Close on the publicity generated by Bitcoin exchange rate going upto US$1132, many more crypto coins are coming to the attention of the public. First it was Litecoin and now Novacoin, Namecoin, Quark coin,Chinacoin, Feathercoin also seem to be gaining … Continue reading

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E Sports settles dispute on illegal Bitcoin installation

In an interesting case of misuse of Bitcoin, a video gaming community “E Sports Entertainment Association” agreed to settle a dispute where it had been accused of having illegally installed Bitcoin minining software in their client’s machines and earned US$3713.55. … Continue reading

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Bitcoin ATM registers $1 million transaction in a month

World’s first Bitcoin ATM in operation in Vancouver is said to have clocked transactions of US$ 1 million in a month. The ATM converts cash into Bitcoins and also pays out cash in physical currency against withdrawals of Bitcoins. The … Continue reading

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Litecoin as another virtual currency?

The success of Bitcoin concept has attracted “Litecoin”  a similar virtual currency system promising some technical improvements. The target for litecoin is 84 million currency units as against 21 million targetted by Bitcoin. The presence of two virtual currencies in … Continue reading

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Bitcoin in Physical Form?

Bitcoin started as a Peer to peer virtual currency system. With Baidu (Google in China) starting to accept payments in Bitcoin, there is now an official patronage for the system from the Chinese Government. In a further bid to  provide … Continue reading

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