There is an email in circulation about Bal Aadhaar which looks as follows:
The hyper link leads to a website looking as follows:
The website is registered by an Arizona resident as indicated below:
This appears to be a “Phishing Website” and action is required to initiate Cyber Crime complaint against the Registrant who is assisted by the intermediary the Registrar.
I have notified UIDAI and I expect they initiate action failing which there will be lack of due diligence from their side also.
It is in such cases that I am seriously against the “Privacy Protection” of domain name registrations supported as a system by ICANN.
It is time some Court declares that Privacy Protection of domain name registration information is against public policy. This should be a compulsory disclosure requirement for all domain name registrants.
Indian Government can pass a notification under Section 79 of ITA 2000 to direct browser owners like Google or Microsoft to flag websites whose domain name registration information is not made public as a website of an “Unverified Owner” . Websites with digital signature of the server obviously would be exempted from this since the verification would be the responsibility of the server digital certificate issuing authority.
I second your views completely!