Beware of a New Cyber Fraud

We are aware of some companies including Microsoft, Adobe and also Graphic software companies like AutoCAD trying to bully computer users, threatening them with copyright violation and forcing them to buy licenses.

Some times this happens when a trial version of a software has been downloaded and used beyond the user forgets to de activate the software after the trial period. Companies deliberately allow usage of the software beyond the trial period and thereafter claim infringement of copyright.

In some instances employees of companies inadvertantly download software into company devices and the company gets exposed to the copyright infringement. This normally happens in small companies where the information security system is not strong.

We have discussed such issues in the past and even assisted some companies to ward off extortionist attempts by some dealers in the name of their companies.

Now it appears that a new cyber crime wave is commencing where the usual Credit card fraudsters make calls accusing “Your employees have downloaded our software and deleted it. We know everything. We will take legal action” .

The caller may refuse to indicate what evidence he has but keep threatening that they will take legal action.

After the initial threat calls the discussion veers round to payment of money which is the fraud part. In these cases, the allegation may not be true and the call may not be from the genuine company. The email if any may come from a proton mail which is not traceable. Possibility of some of the employees of the company engaged in the commission of this fraud is not ruled out.

It appears that this fraud is to extract whatever money is possible from out of this threat.  It can also run into a sequence of extortions if the organization is yielding and subsequently end up with ransom ware infection also.

One such case has been reported from Bangalore in the name of CorelDraw software

I request organizations to be careful in dealing with such fraudsters. If they send any emails in which clickable links are available saying that “Here is the evidence”… be circumspect and avoid clicking the hyperlinks because they may contain viruses.

Already several such cases have been reported in the following URLs. 

The email received by the recipient includes the logos of Corel India and is in the name of Deepak Shetty as “Compliance Executive” of Corel Corporation with phone numbers + 91 88 600 865 71  and   + 91 22 6243 0743. has sought clarification from Corel India and would look forward to clarifications.


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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12 Responses to Beware of a New Cyber Fraud

  1. Parul Kanodia says:

    I received a call from the same person as well. I left an enquiry on and got an email asking me to contact Sathish Venugopal. He verified that the email and call from Deepak Shetty is legit. I stated again that I have never used or downloaded their software. He says if he needs to provide me with any proof it will go legal and I’d rather do a forensic investigation from my end.

  2. ANAND SHAH says:

    Hi Parul,
    Did you pay for the licenses then? In case not, then what happened later?

    They have been threatening us for a month now. We have not used their software but still they are threatening us for litigation. I have told them to do whatever they want, but I am not sure if they are legit or a scam. Can you guide me here please.

  3. Rahul Saha says:


    Dear Mr. Saha,

    As per our below mail, we already having licenses details of your earlier procurement but as per our record there are still 01 instances in your company which is still not legalized.

    Our count goes as per the instances identified in your company, the number of instances identified by us, and the number of licenses used by the customer must be equal. Thus, you are requested to first confirm the instances and then proceed to get the 01 Nos quantity quotation on before – 24th April 2023 to close this from our end at the compliance level.

    Kindly be noted that we are highly concerned with the usage of our software CorelDRAW Graphic suite in your organization for which we don’t have found the commercial license details.

    Trial versions are not applicable for commercial purpose in the organization. Also uninstalling the software is not a solution to the concerns raised, Also note that, number of installation and the number of legal licenses cannot defer. Kindly be aware of the fact that installing / using unlicensed Corel Software would be grossly in breach of our End User License Agreement (EULA) and the same shall be treated as a civil wrong and a criminal offence under India Copyright Act Law 1957.

    We at Corel Corporation are willing to extend our support in case of customer not using legalized version of the software by providing them the right channels to have the same legalized for a safer business environment

    We would appreciate your acknowledgement to this mail for further communication.

    Our Channel Partner Netspeak Infotech Private Limited will get back to you for of Corel DRAW Licenses.

    Kindly contact Mr. Amit Roy Choudhary (+91 7595924144 ) for the quotation, also keep us in loop while issuing the PO to vendor.

    Please feel free to revert back for any further clarifications or details.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Seyed Mavujeen

    Sr.Compliance Executive

    Corel Corporation

    m – + 91 88 600 875 01

    p – + 91 22 45427306

    e –

  4. Ravi Singh says:

    Hello dear Rahul saha actually also got the same mail. So could you help me what should I do.

  5. Debojyoti Ghosal says:

    Exactly I am also getting such call and emails.. Is further anything happen after this calls and emails? Is they take any legal action for harassment?

  6. Espee Billimoria says:

    Hello Team Naavi,

    Thank you for taking the initiative to improve user understanding of Cyber fraud.

    Needless to say these fraudsters are all over the place. They have pursued our company along similar lines when we have never ever used their Corel software. It is sad that this global company is allowing the use of its name in such malpractices.

    We have written to the global headquarters about these malpractices urging them to inform the respective authorities in India of their stand in this matter. Till then these fraudsters will continue to make hay! We hop that the MNC that will initiate legal action against these fraudsters.

    I will also recommend that you have a legal person in your team who can address such issues and help with drafting an appropriate response.

    Thanks again

    thanks again for your service.

  7. Suraj JD says:

    The same happened with me, and now they are officials When I called the officials they give me this link

    I got an email from the what to do now?

  8. Kumar says:

    Dear Sir,

    My name is Kiran Chettiar, I am writing to you on behalf of Corel Compliance Team, India. This matter pertains to the infringement and compliance of Corel Products at your organization …

    We would like to seek your attention towards the infringed usage of our product “CorelDraw Graphics Suite”. As per our finding in your organization . We have found 23 Nos. unlicensed usages, and we require your urgent and immediate action to resolve this matter by legalizing it. Hence, you are hereby advised to regularize all usages in next 7 working days.

    Please note that, as per our EULA (End User License Agreement), each installation requires licenses registered in the name of the user organization before using our products or else all usages are considered illegal and such act is considered as an infringement of our copyright. Either knowingly or unknowingly some employees might be using the unauthorized software, the same will need to be rectified by procuring licenses to regularize the usages.

    Corel Corporation has zero tolerance on Infringement, and we believe you will respect and value the rights of the copyright owner of the product and will cooperate with us in this legalization drive to have 100% licensed usage.

    To know more about the End User License Agreement, please visit the link below, we have also mentioned one paragraph from the EULA on the “Use of License Software” for your ready reference.

    Looking forward to having your immediate action on this matter and please revert to us with your procurement documents to close the compliance matter.

    Please feel free to revert back for any further clarifications or details

    A blue logo with black background

    Description automatically generated Thanks and Regards,

    Kiran Chettiar

    Compliance Executive

    M – + 91 8860951713

    P – + 91 22 4542 7334


    W –

    Is this true ????

  9. Kutbi Lukhadia says:

    Even I am being harassed by Corel draw compliance executive. I have licensed version of the software even then they called and emailed for invoice bill and license serial keys.
    I didn’t give the keys but the executive didn’t even listen to the invoice number.

    The executive Mansi Makwana insisted that we do a compliance audit with a IT professional. I don’t get it why I should do all this when we have been using the licence all along.
    From the above mails it is evident that Corel draw company itself hires these executives who bully unsuspecting clients

  10. HariOM says:

    It is true. People are getting these calls and threats. Even those who haven’t used Corel Draw in their life, who doesn’t even own a computer system, neither know anything about Corel Draw, are getting these calls. If anybody knows how to stay safe from these scammers please share.

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