Bengaluru as the Data Protection Capital of India

Naavi has been in the forefront of creating awareness of Cyber Laws in India. In 2005, Naavi had taken up a program called “Karnataka Cyber Laws Awareness Movement” under which several programs were undertaken in Karnataka.

Now time has come to start a similar activity for the Personal Data Protection Act 2018 which is presently in draft stage but is likely to become an important legislation in India.

While Cyber Law College will be focussing on some structured courses in this regard, we are glad to note that the Foundation of Data Protection Professionals in India (FDPPI) would be undertaking a “PDPA Awareness Movement” by conducting Awareness lectures in Bengaluru to begin with, in different organizations on the basis of invitations.

The program is being conducted by a team of professional members of FDPPI.

It is expected that the program would spread to other parts of India also in due course.


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