Author Archives: Vijayashankar Na

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance

Compliance and not Complacency is the Choice of Wisemen

Business leaders are often confronted with the dilemma… Should I make a move now….or Should I wait… Should I lead… or Should I follow… Indian industry is flying on the wings of Technology and Data is driving the business. Data … Continue reading

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Digital Forensics in the Privacy Dominated world

Digital Forensics is the art and science of discovering information. We often use this term related to a situation where we need to find information which is not clearly visible in the ordinary course of a transaction. The key aspect … Continue reading

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Non Material Damage under GDPR..Munich Court awards compensation

We are  mostly informed from time to time about the GDPR fines imposed by supervisory authorities on different companies for non compliance. However GDPR also provides that a data subject may claim compensation on account of GDPR data breach through … Continue reading

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Join the DPA 2021 training starting on April 30th

I would like to remind professionals that the next training program on the Data Protection Regulations in India would be conducted by FDPPI-Cyber Law College online as Week end batch. Tentative dates are April 30, May 1,7,8,14. The program is … Continue reading

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After Avtar, it is Honda that adopts “Naavi”

Naavi was adopted by me as a name as an short version of my Kannada name Nagaraja Rao Vijayashankar. The website was launched on 14th December 1998 as a personal website and later converted into a Cyber Law website. … Continue reading

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Defining a Data Asset.. A Debate

[Discussions here are part of the Naavi’s Theory of Data] Data Governance in an organization requires identification of what is data, how data can be created or collected,  what is its value, who is the custodian, who is the owner, … Continue reading

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