Author Archives: Vijayashankar Na

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance

Hats off to the Kerala Judgement on Right to Forget-3: Right to Forget is not Right to Anonymity..

[This is a continuation of our earlier article on the Kerala Judgement on Right to Forget] The Judgment of Kerala Hight Court of 22nd December 2022 in the WP (C) nos 26500/2020 & connected cases  was mainly considering the issue … Continue reading

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Hats off to the Kerala Judgement on Right to Forget..2: Ratio Decidendi in Puttaswamy Judgement

[This is a continuation of our earlier article on the Kerala Judgement on Right to Forget] The essential part of the legal point considered by the bench in this case was “Whether in certain cases such as the matrimonial disputes, … Continue reading

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Hats off to Kerala High Court for it’s treatise on Right to Forget

A truly remarkable piece of Judgement has emanated from the Kerala High Court on 22nd December 2022 from the bench of Honourable Justices A Muhamed Mustaque and Shoba Annamma Eapen regarding “Right to Forget”. The 138 page judgement is worth … Continue reading

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ITA 2000 amended to remove Section 66A

Way back in March 2015, the Supreme Court in its judgement said that  Section 66A of ITA 2000/8 as unconstitutional because it curtails Freedom of Speech.  However, the Government had not passed any amendment of law to remove the section. … Continue reading

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Right to Be Forgotten Matrimonial Cases

Kerala High Court has pronounced a significant judgement in respect of Right to Forget by distinguishing cases where the “Open Court Justice System”  is not recognized and in-camera proceedings are permitted. In matrimonial cases it has ruled that on request … Continue reading

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Lifetime Achievement Award from CySi,ExNoRa,and SPIN-Chennai

On 17h December 2022, Cyber Society of India, ExNoRa and SPIN-to Chennai conducted an event in Chennai in which Naavi was conferred a Life Time Achievement Award for his contributions to the Cyber Jurisprudence. Simultaneously three other persons who along … Continue reading

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