Author Archives: Vijayashankar Na

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance

EDPB Decision on noyb complaint against Meta is ultra-vires its authority and unfair

After GDPR became effective on May 25, 2018, many businesses had to re-work their personal data handling methods to ensure that the collection meets the requirements under Article 6 of GDPR related to “Lawfulness of Processing”. Article 6 of GDPR  … Continue reading

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New Year Resolution -2023

Today is the last day of the year 2022. As we prepare for the New Year, many of us would think of how we celebrate the night of 31st welcoming the new Year. But what professionals need to also think … Continue reading

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Recently Union Minister of Minister of Law  has been raising questions on the relationship of the Executive and the Judiciary in respect of appointment of Judges. (Refer here). Another question which has been bugging me always is the Supreme Court’s … Continue reading

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Defining Personal Data under Naavi’s theory of Privacy (“Nee Maayeyolago, Ninnolu Maayeyo” )

While discussing Data Protection and “Privacy Protection through Data Protection” or “Information Privacy”, the critical aspect is to have a clear definition of what is “Personal Data”. We may recall that under “Shape of Things to Come” series of articles … Continue reading

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Hats off to the Kerala Judgement on Right to Forget-5: Evolution of the Right to be forgotten

[This is a continuation of our earlier article on the Kerala Judgement on Right to Forget] The Kerala High Court Judgement on Right to Forget is a landmark judgement for the reason that it went into details of the Definition … Continue reading

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Hats off to the Kerala Judgement on Right to Forget-4: Need for Transparency in Judiciary

[This is a continuation of our earlier article on the Kerala Judgement on Right to Forget] The Kerala Judgement on Right to Forget had three conclusions namely A claim for the protection of personal information based on the right to … Continue reading

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