Author Archives: Vijayashankar Na

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance

Protect Indian Companies through the proposed Indian Data Protection Act from possible GDPR Overreach

Indian Corporate world exposed to any form of data processing involving a member of the European Union including the countries which have exited recently (Like Britain) or those who may exit in due course (Say France?) are keenly watching the … Continue reading

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West Bengal Adjudicator imposes Rs 50000/- penalty on husband

In a first decision from the Adjudicator of West Bengal, an order has been passed against an estranged husband who spied on his wife’s phone using “Team Viewer” software. See Report  According to the report, the husband had installed a … Continue reading

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Nation Wants To Know Why we donot have the freedom to say “Nation Wants To Know”

It is ridiculous that Times Now Group thinks it is smart in issuing a legal notice to Mr Arnab Goswami that he should refrain from using the phrase “Nation Wants To Know” on which Times Now claims an “Intellectual Property … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Software Application is not a mere piece of coding…There is business behind it

My article on the Bank of Maharashtra(BOM)  UPI fraud where in I had expressed an opinion that NPCI and RBI also have  some responsibility elicited some off the record remarks  from NPCI and one of the senior technical members of … Continue reading

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Fighting susceptibility for “Cyber Hypnotism” with Ulysses Contracts

The recent Cyber fraud in Mumbai where an elderly (72 year old)  woman was duped to the extent of Rs 42 lakhs in a Nigerian Scam (Refer here) open up a discussion on how it that  seemingly intelligent people fall … Continue reading

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Creating a Protection for Indian Companies from European hegemony

The first question that an Indian Company needs to satisfy for itself is whether it is at all exposed to the provisions of the dreaded GDPR and if so whether there is need to respond. It must be clarified that … Continue reading

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