Author Archives: Vijayashankar Na

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance

Petrol Bunk Chip Scam is a Cyber Crime

Police in Lucknow have raided several Petrol Bunks in Lucknow who were using a Chip inside the dispensing unit to dispense less petrol for every litre dispensed and systematically siphon off about 50 ml for every litre of petrol. This … Continue reading

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Police, Prosecutors and Judiciary: Please Don’t Create Fake Laws out of your misinterpretation

When a Palghar girl posted a message on her Facebook raising a query …Why there should be Mumbai Bundh if Mr Bal Thakrey has died? and another Palghar girl clicked on “Like” button against the message, Police in Palghar moved … Continue reading

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Will PSD2 have an impact in India?

Recently, in the WhatsApp circles, there was news about RBI cautioning the public with “Multi Bank Balance Enquiry Apps”. This was actually an advisory issued earlier on 11th April 2015, in which RBI stated as follows. “It has come to the … Continue reading

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More Clarification on Section 65B Certification… For Forensic Labs

Section 65B Certification of electronic evidence produced in a Court proceeding in India has been a matter of intense discussion in the circle of Forensic experts, Law Enforcement and of course the Legal fraternity. Historically, the undersigned was the first … Continue reading

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Securing Prepaid Payment Instruments under the IT Act

ISMG India carried a report on the Prepaid Instruments recently which has been reproduced here. Refer for more details here: Naavi said in this context : While MeitY has prescribed guidelines, security practitioners have offered other ideas. “The current authentication methods are … Continue reading

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Beware of the Cyber “Stone Pelters”

The news about WIPRO retrenching some employees has caused a slight stir in the minds of many aspiring Engineering graduates about the future of their employment prospects. Though the number of retrenchments in WIPRO is by itself not a large … Continue reading

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