Author Archives: Vijayashankar Na

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance

Wipro Terror Threat renewed… It is Bitcoin demand again

We had extensively discussed the e-mail threat received by Wipro some time back in which an e-mail had been received by Wipro threatening that if Rs 500 crores is not paid in Bitcoins, they would spread “Ricin” in Wipro premises through Drones … Continue reading

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A Lesson in Section 65(ITA) Compliance and use of Section 65B (IEA) certification emerges out of MCX issue

Recently, I had raised an objection about a comment posted by MCX of India limited on the Discussion forum of regarding Bitcoin regulation. The Government had asked for public opinion on the forum which was expected to be used … Continue reading

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MCX removes its comments… Will BSE/NSE take action for this Corporate Governance failure?

Yesterday, we pointed out that MCX of India Limited which manages the Commodity exchange operations and is therefore a stake holder in Bitcoin being banned or legalized had placed a comment on the discussion board that Bitcoin was proposed … Continue reading

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Is MCX of India involved in insider tampering of the Committee on Bitcoins?.. Directors, Please answer has been maintaining that Bitcoins is a menace to the civilized society and India should ban it. We have given our logic through a series of articles in this site. We have also made a note that many of … Continue reading

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Fight Against Corruption now has a new Slogan: Say No to Bitcoins

Fight against Corruption in India now has a new Slogan… Say NO to Bitcoins ..Every time… Even the first time. Whatever we say for Bitcoins also applies to all private Crypto Currencies which are outside the purview of the currency regulators … Continue reading

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How Does Bitcoin break India into bits and pieces and realize the “Bharath ko Tukde, Tukde karega” dream of some..

The period for which the Government of India sought public opinion on Bitcoin regulation is coming to an end tomorrow May 31, 2017. What will happen next? is the question on the minds of most of the observers who are … Continue reading

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