Author Archives: Vijayashankar Na

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance

ACT Broadband blocks FTP access to clients

ACT Fiber net (Atria Convergence Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)  has been an Internet Service Provider which was the first service provider (particularly in Bangalore) to offer internet access service through optical fiber network. In view of the high bandwidth provided by … Continue reading

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Why we need to defer introduction of AEPS?

The Aadhar based payment system which is meant to capture the biometrics and initiate banking transactions is being pushed for implementation by June 30, 2017. However, we request the authorities not to stand on false egos and try to introduce … Continue reading

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The Bug in AEPS is in the biometric devices and BCs and not the UIDAI server… But the effect is same

When Aadhar was in its initial stages, whenever security issues were raised with Mr Nandan Nilekani, he used to assure that Aadhar is not a “Card” but it is only a data base. Information in aadhar database never travels across … Continue reading

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Is AEPS a Digital Honey Trap?… Is there an Escape Plan?

In January 2017, an interim report of the NITI Ayog Committee of Chief Ministers on digital payments recommended  To ensure wide-scale adoption of AEPS and Aadhaar Pay, banks need to be mandated to complete Aadhaar seeding of all their customers … Continue reading

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Behind the WannaCry adversity there is the silver lining of Cyber Insurance Awareness

The recent ransom ware attacks with  Wanna Cry have woken up the Indian corporate sector  to the needs of having Cyber Insurance as a means of recovering the losses arising out of such attacks. I refer to the article in … Continue reading

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More on Wipro Terror threat… We need to shed our complacency

P.S. This is in continuation of the previous article The second e-mail threat received by Wipro has been reported with some more detail today in this article in Times of India.  According to this report, the investigation has now been taken … Continue reading

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